

Well-Known Member
Crocs and socks rocks.If you can pull it off, you roxorz!
I was born in '81, which means by the time I hit my teens, the free party scene was good, the drugs were cheap and the worst of the decade was so far out of fashion it was barely a puff of smoke.
I still have an affinity for large horizontally striped, collard, shirts


Pickle Queen
I have crocs too but only for gardening. Don't like the holes. (not useful for gardening anyway) I like the stappy ones April. Nuthin' against the blues, but I'm a strappy sandal or hi heel girl. I just love shoes.
Ya mine are mostly for on the boat and up at the trailer..and gardening...I need to learn how to walk in heels...any tips?


Well-Known Member
So I've been venting into my attic without charcoal. I just took a stretch out front before my run, and my fucking yard smells like daaannnnk! I'm ordering a CAN asap.

Ya mine are mostly for on the boat and up at the trailer..and gardening...I need to learn how to walk in heels...any tips?
Heel to toe baby. Heel to toe.