derp herp derr, herp derp a hur

What makes her argument so strong BnB?
She says it plainly, she is debating Arizona's need for an immigration law. She says that she could understand if a state like Texas had such a law, since it has a border with Mexico, but she cannot fathom why Arizona would need a law like this.
She says it plainly, she is debating Arizona's need for an immigration law. She says that she could understand if a state like Texas had such a law, since it has a border with Mexico, but she cannot fathom why Arizona would need a law like this.

is she an elected representative and candidate for national office, like the guy in missouri who believes that women's vaginas can magically differentiate between rape sperm and non-rape sperm?

is she up for election in the senate, like that guy in indiana who says that angels come and bless the rape sperm, but don't bother to stop the rape?

i can go on, just ask.
she is awesome
unbeknownst to her she encapsulates everything wrong with america
thank youo pinworm. you are a gentleman and a scholar
you will have a hard time catching me out buck. wrote an 800 on my SAT. I was tired and needed glasses.
by all means keep trying :)
I prefer abusing Oxford myself...6th edition of the Pocket Oxford to be exact.
And there is nothing listed for either "beknown" or "benounced".
However, bedabbled and bedraggled are in there!

I just realized I am stoned. I forgot the "un-"
Great googly moogly, there it is on page 992!

unbeknown(st), (colloq.) not known
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is she an elected representative and candidate for national office, like the guy in missouri who believes that women's vaginas can magically differentiate between rape sperm and non-rape sperm?

is she up for election in the senate, like that guy in indiana who says that angels come and bless the rape sperm, but don't bother to stop the rape?

i can go on, just ask.
No, she is interjecting herself into public debate on one side, and she is a moron. Apparently her fellows there chose her to speak, she had papers, no one noticed her gaff in the entire group prior to her making it. I'd say a complete swath of idiots.

I don't know anything about angels blessing rapist's sperm, but there is something to the Missouri candidates "legitimate rape" comment, or so say the two physicians I personally know who have commented on the issue. It has nothing to do with the vagina, however. It is more to do with hormones that are released, or not released because of the rape, that impact fertilization of the egg and the subsequent implantation in the uterus.

A rape reduces chances of conception.
i'm sure they know something that is simply eluding the rest of the scientific community.
First, it is impossible to study this under controlled conditions.

From the way things are, many rapes go unreported, and we also know (but aren't supposed to say) that many reported rapes aren't rape at all.

Based on the facts we have, and the inability to question the woman who uses the "r word" as to the validity of her claims.

Then, even in actual, bona fide rapes, they are not all the same; there is the kind where consent is not given, but neither is resistance, then there is the sexual attack that is often as violent as sexual.

This last kind is the type Mr. Akin was talking about, and stupidly called legitimate.

You see, the physiological response to the no consent nor resistance is the same to consensual sex; very often the woman is sexually aroused and wishes to not have sex. Her body reacts different when she is aroused.

The body acts in ways to hinder conception for attack type rapes, she don't get horny.

You aren't allowed to say these things and keep your job, but most physicians know the biochemical hormonal response is different under different conditions, and conception requires a complex blend of those.
i'm sure you have some research from philippe rushton or roy spencer to back up that claim.
It was accepted medical belief until recently when political correct nonsense forced a change.

As I said, it is nothing that can actually be studied.

The reality is it is irrelevant, even if I'm correct, it makes it more difficult, it is still possible and does still happen.

I'm more likely to defend the guy for using legitimate. There are plenty of fabricated rape stories out there, and women love to cry rape.

Most of the infamous rape scandals turn out to be bogus, Kobe Bryant, Duke LaCrosse, that french guy, all the women who fingered Bill Clinton.