Bugs or what?


New Member
I recently started flowering and I came across my stem and a few leaves looking like they're getting eaten do I have bugs or no? Will mighty wash help although I doubt they are spider mites ?



Well-Known Member
any time you plant them out side you need a bug preventer . so start putting neem oil on them . if that's not available then soapy water . 1 drop per quart water and olive oil. teaspoon per quart. you can mix them. and spray it every 12 hours for the first week then spray it weekly. or hit the store and get other ug preventer . and your pics are horrible. but its out side so bugs are on the plant no matter what.


Well-Known Member
No I put it inside under light for about 7 hours or so and I'll try n upload some clearer pictures
So you got buds on your plant but your sticking it outside 5 hours a day?. since its under 7 hours of indoor light? You probably picked up a outdoor kind of bug and now took it inside to your indoor spot to if im understanding you right. Id follow Kinddiesels advise and spray it.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what caused that sorry and dont take them outside anymore if there indoor plants unless there staying outside. live and learn bro!


Well-Known Member
You have leaf miners my friend.

Google it and find some more info. I'm not an almanac. Lol.
