Club 600

Had to get up at 4:30 today to avoid getting a street sweeping ticket on my van. Hadn't heard from the guy I was supposed to work with so I went back to bed. He sent me a text later asking when I was going to be at his shop but I got it too late to roll. The job is over an hour from my place and by the time he answered my calls, it was too late for it to make sense for me to drive that for. I would have only got in 2-3 hours of work and we'd be done so it isn't worth the gas.

A perfect example of how important communication is. Had he sent me a text yesterday, I would've just been at his place at 6:30 and I would have worked a half day and got paid out and all would be good. Now I will be driving 40 minutes to his shop later to get paid for last week finally.
Getting ready for my ONE outdoor plant this season! You remember my beauty last year that got eaten by a gopher at 6' tall and a couple weeks in flower. So going with a 20 gal pot this time. It's all fox farms OF with about an inch of gravel in the bottom. I'll be running a chemdawg 4 clone that's about 3" tall right now. I might wait a bit to put it outside still but I'm ready to go. I built the wooden stand to make it a little harder for crawlers to get into the pot.
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Congrats BB! Can't wait to finish the Fireballs this summer.
hey 600 its been a long time... also apologies to the wonderful breeders boutique. i need to email u guys. i just still am in a pinch w/ no keyboard. ive also been in the hospital. almost died for real, long story...

is fireballs the (cherry puff/FAK) ? i cant wat to try all of my new ones. thx again for the cool gear BB.

my southern charm pheno im growing sure is hardy and tough... :) survived a lot of issues. 2 seperate black outs, each about a week long. and survived thru well below freezing temps zero hermies even with all the stress of everything. impressive. hardy genetics in those teeny tiny seeds!

my RP strawberry banana threw out some balls. it went thru one of the blackouts tho... but thought id share the info. Simon, from serious seeds, is very anal about hermies and fem seeds... id say its still a great strain/idea so far tho. much easier to grow than any ogk hybrid ive tried so far. tighter nodes, less need for training/trellising if any at all. so far my exp with the DNA/RP guys has been hit or miss. hopefully it will improve.

i have to admit, so far every BB seed has produced a great hardy plant. only one southern charm seed didnt work out, and it had to have been from a very very small mama plant calyx. no biggie at all. 3 seeds got me one good female, so still good results overall. have 7 more to play with someday :) ill harvest the one i have in a week or so. hopefully ill get plenty of pics for you all. smell is more on the piney/skunky side instead of the sweet. good pheno for hiding smell. lots of resin now tho so its starting to pick up as she ripens and finishes. herijuana is very sought after around here lately, smell of the southern charm reminds me of it, so i figure mine is leaning towards the mother. cant wait!

ill try to get an email back to BB ASAP!

also how the heck do i adjust the display settings for RIU ... one day i accidentally hit some random key(s) and all of a sudden the font of everything is really tiny. only way i can get around it is by using IE instead of firefox. :( its only this website, and only on firefox. makes posting/reading/browsing rediculous. hopefully i just need to hit some combo of keys to reset the zoom/font size to normal. argh! any ideas what to do? ill go try to catch up reading on IE, but i dont like posting with it, or using it all... :p

nice pics everyone! stay stoned and stay safe for the holiday! much love sixers! :)
i have a full 9 x 16 building at the old place i will be moving to the new house. it is my baby 33 breakers every plug is on a home run to its own circuit. the furnace room is cramped and only temp while we rent, but works;) i insulated the shit out of it and it is also has sound proofing qualities. and you will have a ac running any way right? it was not a issue and i had noisy ass mother-in-law two doors down who has no concept of privacy;) just had to triple locked that bitch
lol ive got similar nosey-nancies. i also got a weird letter from my power company from having such high bills this past 6 months. mainly due to gas usage, but also electric... i mean hell, this is probably the worst winter Flint MI ever had. then my next bill is about $600 less(crazy, i know), and was "investigated and adjusted" gotta love it. i mind my own business, wish others would too. maybe they need to go pop some more benzos/opiates/uppers from their pill mills. god forbid some jerk is growing a little mmj... or just recreationally. meanwhile the whole city is full of heroin, pills, crack/coke, but lets get these society ruining pot smokers/growers. i mean damn, u can die from alcohol... w/d's, asphyxiation, etc... some people will just never understand. even my dr tried to tell me people are dying from pot overdoses in WA/CO since legalization. lmao, how ignorant.
Nice pic Jimmer. Looks like a great place to walk/hike.

lol at the disco ball Mo. For a minute I thought you were Dr. Amber:)

Got the out-laws in from South Africa...epserately trying to get them out the door for a while so I can do some work in the room. Father inlaw did ask if I had a Dagga plant in my greenhouse..."yup" I replied and promptly continued to talk about the azaleas and tulips, lol. Looks like this next grow will be totally stright up 5 plant legal grow (well, give or take a couple, lol.....).

Will try and get some pics up. Hope everyone has a great Easter Weekend/Paasvakantie!
How are you and the chap doing?
doing better bru, thanks for asking. I am half way through a course of antibiotics, and the yin has just got the snaggly cough left. But he's sleeping better again, eating better again, so it's all on the up and up. I think our house is just a mass of germs at the moment. Father in law arrived yesterday and has also been in bed since then not feeling well....ooops. Just potted up the ladies and done some shimmying in the the cab..bongsmilie

WTF, ye old inster the youtube vid thing has changed....ah well, it was Ol Dirty Shimmy Shimmy Ya!
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Glad things are feeling better. Here's for a full recovery soon. Our little one is learning to stand up holding onto things. She's amazed by herself and doesn't want to sleep... just practice standing. Still hasn't figured out crawling yet, I think she just might skip it and go strait to walking. She's getting so big.

Going strait eh? 5 plants. Jeez, didn't take long before you got reigned in. Doesn't the fact that you are an award winning grower count for anything? Congrats again btw, must have felt really good.

Been music nonstop here. Moved wife's piano into the living room, fixed a key for her so she likes playing it again. Got a new amp for the guitar and have that all hooked up finally. Been recording, having fun, really suck at singing oh well.

I had the thought yesterday that I should grow again sometime. Might wait till after the summer trip. :)