Most lucrative drug's to produce from home (upkeep vs product value)

Holleratchurboy, I think I still got an extra 6x6inch space in a tent somewhere.
I used to work near the Welsh borders growing runner beans. One year this weird, purply alien looking shit stinking plant grew up. Had massive spikey seed pods. We didn't know what it was, just that it was 'wrong' the next year there were loads of em. So I collected some seeds. Havn't got the balls to try it out though...


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I used to work near the Welsh borders growing runner beans. One year this weird, purply alien looking shit stinking plant grew up. Had massive spikey seed pods. We didn't know what it was, just that it was 'wrong' the next year there were loads of em. So I collected some seeds. Havn't got the balls to try it out though...

Woaaa. I've been humbled. I like that.
I looked into it on Erowid. They wouldn't recommend a dose. Wouldn't even suggest you might like to try it. User reports tend to be of the 'I survived ' type. I think it's pretty hairy shit.
If I didn't have kids of dogs and plant some out with the poppy seeds I have just to have an interesting corner of the garden. But not when 5g of the seed can kill children outright. Nope.
I looked into it on Erowid. They wouldn't recommend a dose. Wouldn't even suggest you might like to try it. User reports tend to be of the 'I survived ' type. I think it's pretty hairy shit.
If I didn't have kids of dogs and plant some out with the poppy seeds I have just to have an interesting corner of the garden. But not when 5g of the seed can kill children outright. Nope.
Fuck no, agreed. That's horrifying. Good looking out, my dude.
I know a guy who tried the mushroom thing. Had lotsa problems unloading...everyone was like "yeah, gimme"...then he harvested and they sat around. Mind you, he was older than I am (effing old I am) and woulda had a hard time in the concert season selling to kids old enough to be his son/grandson. As others note, seems to be very niche.

You could always try and see. Might work out well. Might not. Never know unless you try.

I wish weed grew like shrooms. Would be awesome. This whole 8-12 wk wait thing is tedious though it does give one a major lesson in patience. Makes me appreciate how hard we humans have to work to survive and thrive. Our relationship with plants is very amazing, incredibly long and complex. I find it very inspiring. I plan on growing a lotta food this summer: 2 garden plots and a community program. I'm growing vertically on trellises. I expect this summer to be a bumper crop: cooler temps, good steady rain. I cannot wait to give my vegetables to local shelters. I believe food is an incredible 'bonding' thing for us humans. Was very hungry this winter (lost weights to give $/life to my plants. Made me realize food is life itself and that if I give it I am not only giving love but life itself.

Sorry, didn't mean to get all mystical on ya, MUST be the mushroom talk!
Woaaa. I've been humbled. I like that.
I used to work near the Welsh borders growing runner beans. One year this weird, purply alien looking shit stinking plant grew up. Had massive spikey seed pods. We didn't know what it was, just that it was 'wrong' the next year there were loads of em. So I collected some seeds. Havn't got the balls to try it out though...
I looked into it on Erowid. They wouldn't recommend a dose. Wouldn't even suggest you might like to try it. User reports tend to be of the 'I survived ' type. I think it's pretty hairy shit.
If I didn't have kids of dogs and plant some out with the poppy seeds I have just to have an interesting corner of the garden. But not when 5g of the seed can kill children outright. Nope.

That's Jimson Weed, extremely toxic to horses. Please be careful with that

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I got some datura ferox seeds and some datura stramonium seeds. i dont think people are looking for this stuff cause its not like hard to find in the wild.
Where i am at i literally throw away pounds of mushroooms cause theres no interest. I cant even get someone to trip with me and i cant even give them away, people refuse supermarket bags full of it lol
When I was in college I enjoyed making shroom tea and "trying" to study my calculus or biology courses. Always made for a fun night...

But in the 'adult' world, not many people seem keen on hallucinating? Wtf, why the fuck not?

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When I was in college I enjoyed making shroom tea and "trying" to study my calculus or biology courses. Always made for a fun night...
But in the 'adult' world, not many people seem keen on hallucinating? Wtf, why the fuck not?

I honestly think at least 3 trips a year are essencial to one's mind. Ive been tripping once a month or every two months for almost 8 years now and i still feel theres hell of a lot more to discover. To be honest though you need to slowly build mental toughness and grow a bigger pair to want to regularly trip alone. It can be seriously fucking intense and take you places you neither want to go nor are ready to. I see mushrooms as tool, and you really! gotta learn how to 'control' them once in the system.
I think that why people dont like mushrooms much, its not as fun a drug as acid and taking it propperly requires learning to take it. It took me a good couple of years before i could say i know how to use mushrooms.
To be honesty natural occuring hallucinogens in nature are there to be used. Ive seen and realized things that are seriously! stunning. I also find it very weird that people report very similar visions with high doses of mushrooms. like mayan style patterns etc.
I think the world would be a better place if more people learnt how to go triping and did so with some frequency.
oh no I love to trip. mushrooms just don't do it for me, I mentioned making acid instead...

Acid was intense to me, very intense. I would be willing to do it again sometime but need a good source. In college I grew my own shrooms and obviously knew where they came from.

Synthesize my own acid? I haven't dabbled in this but seems legit. Maybe I'll do some reading about this...

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If I grew shrooms id be loaded with cash lol im 20 I know plenty lol

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Its stupid easy to do. After I sterilized and inoculated the medium all I had to do was pick them and dry them. Couple grams a day I'd estimate... I didn't sell them. Just would grind them up and make teas and give away to neighbors and such. Spread the love and whatnot.

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i heard someone say you could make a boot leg type of meth by spraying wasp killer onto a car battery terminal. im not sure if its true or not and im not going to try it but there is alot of money to make with meth, you just have to deal with fucked up people. he said use the yellow cap wasp killer, you dont want to use the red or black cap.