Please tone it down.
Thank you.
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.
i'm confused. desertdude is indeed a cowardly racist, so i don't see how that's a putdown. not even he would object to the label.
but calling a teenager with no record or history of violence a "violent criminal" and a "thug" is just a series of transparent dog whistles and outright lies, everyone knows this.
as far as the white supremacy label goes, it fits. desert dude has often complained that title II of civil rights violates his first amendment "right of association". since title II ended to denial of service to blacks in this nation, we can only assume that he means he has a right to not associate with blacks, AKA white separatism.
they're not separating because they think they're inferior or equals, ya know.
desert dude was even once a member of RIU's 'white nationalist and white separtists' group, version 3.0. white separatism, white nationalism, and white supremacy are nothing but a distinction without a difference.
as long as we have members like that around here smugly asserting falsehoods about the races they so clearly feel superior ro, it's gonna be real difficult for me to tone it down. just a heads up.