Rosey's Grow~~check out my plants!

If you're using UV to glob up on the resin, you can also try jasmonic acid treatments. There's a few studies and some research that shows definite increase in trichome production. However, messing with hormones is riskayy. Actually, I just wanted an entrance into this fun lookin' thread.
If you're using UV to glob up on the resin, you can also try jasmonic acid treatments. There's a few studies and some research that shows definite increase in trichome production. However, messing with hormones is riskayy. Actually, I just wanted an entrance into this fun lookin' thread.

I've not heard of that, thanks for mentioning it. You are more than welcome here, post anytime! :)
I have found with this strain "dream Reaper". they are super finicky about being feed. If they end up getting just a tad bit of (N) nitrogen to much they act silly. But once they take off, watch out.. :)
You mean, nute burn? I've only given her what I've given my seedlings in the past, a highly diluted KR watering. I've never had it burn anything ever.
xD This thread is so long. I've been trying to find some of your recent updates, but I'm afraid the attachment database might not be done since the site change. Hmm... Well how is your quest to quit smoking going? I used to smoke heavily for 2-3 years, now I smoke socially and whenever someone offers me a cig. Although, I'll have to admit I backslid a bit and bought a pack of American Spirits the other night. :/
xD This thread is so long. I've been trying to find some of your recent updates, but I'm afraid the attachment database might not be done since the site change. Hmm... Well how is your quest to quit smoking going? I used to smoke heavily for 2-3 years, now I smoke socially and whenever someone offers me a cig. Although, I'll have to admit I backslid a bit and bought a pack of American Spirits the other night. :/
I've not had a cigarette since early February and proud of it! my lungs are too riddled with junk for my age, decided it was time not to mention surgery went a lot smoother for me ;) sorry about the pics, I haven't uploaded any since coming back to the new site, still figuring things out. There's not a lot to see, just a few seedlings right now. I promise once I get the hang of things I will upload some though ;)
take your time recouping. Don't stress or over do anything. Hell we all can wait on that update until you feel good & ready to do it ;)
Hey everybody! don't know who will see this but thought I'd check in anyways. I'm recovering okay, had to go back to the hospital for a spell but back out and doing much better now. Thanks to everybody who sent up prayers! ok, update time!

I had a surprise visit from a seed that I had counted out! apparently she got mixed in with the PV #1. I separated them earlier this evening and gave her a new container. I would love to do pics but I'm too tired to fool with that right now, tried to do too much today I think. It sucks being out of commission so long!

So as of today, 2 Dream Reapers and 2 Purple Voodoos. They are still babies and I won't be able to get them in the closet till the first week of May but after that, its on! I just have to figure out about some nutes. Thanks for following and hopefully I will have a nice show for everyone by then. Peach out...

Peace :peace:
I've not had a cigarette since early February and proud of it! my lungs are too riddled with junk for my age, decided it was time not to mention surgery went a lot smoother for me ;) sorry about the pics, I haven't uploaded any since coming back to the new site, still figuring things out. There's not a lot to see, just a few seedlings right now. I promise once I get the hang of things I will upload some though ;)

Ahh, yeah the seedling pics were the first ones I found I think. Good job on the quitting btw! Shits not easy haha.
I agree 100%. I have some Sensi spray in there that I will not touch! I will, but not here anytime soon. ;)
If you're using UV to glob up on the resin, you can also try jasmonic acid treatments. There's a few studies and some research that shows definite increase in trichome production. However, messing with hormones is riskayy. Actually, I just wanted an entrance into this fun lookin' thread.
I agree 100%. I have some Sensi spray in there that I will not touch! I will, but not here anytime soon. ;)

I guess it's something to try once, right? I think I'd only use it on strains that aren't very resinous to begin with, just to add a little bag appeal. But then again, more resin doesn't necessarily mean more potency. But it does add a little weight... hm. Gibberellic acid is something I don't think I'll ever touch though. Too many weird mutation reports and whatnot.
oh yeah 4 sure.. I have to test it out for a Co, so I will have to do it sooner or later. I do allot of testing for these companies. I ran one that I used a plant probotic (P3) I really liked the results from. Went ahead and started back with that regimen tonight. ;)
I guess it's something to try once, right? I think I'd only use it on strains that aren't very resinous to begin with, just to add a little bag appeal. But then again, more resin doesn't necessarily mean more potency. But it does add a little weight... hm. Gibberellic acid is something I don't think I'll ever touch though. Too many weird mutation reports and whatnot.
NP.. hell that surgery you had isn't NO joke. most defiantly considered a major surgery. I have seen/heard of allot of people have a hard time with it in general. Hope you avoid all that all together.
it certainly was major. I have five incisions on my tummy! in weird places too, but its all good. They are healed up. Its just getting used to the new way things work now and the lingering pain here and there. I am being as careful as I can but I had no one to help me so its been tough from the get go. I'm doing good though according to my doc except for getting so dehydrated. Its not so bad, just makes me really weak for now. They say that could take several weeks to get better. Guess I will have to take it as it comes ;)
that Sensi spray I mentioned has ethephon (chloroethylphosphonic acid as its active ingredient. Never messed with that, although I have used fulvic acid in the past though.
I guess it's something to try once, right? I think I'd only use it on strains that aren't very resinous to begin with, just to add a little bag appeal. But then again, more resin doesn't necessarily mean more potency. But it does add a little weight... hm. Gibberellic acid is something I don't think I'll ever touch though. Too many weird mutation reports and whatnot.
oh yeah 4 sure.. I have to test it out for a Co, so I will have to do it sooner or later. I do allot of testing for these companies. I ran one that I used a plant probotic (P3) I really liked the results from. Went ahead and started back with that regimen tonight. ;)

Interesting. I did some reading on that. They said that the bacillus microbes use nitrogen in the atmosphere to process into the roots. Very interesting. So it's kind of an all around organic conditioner? hrmmm.
It sure is.. and yup, your correct. Like said I had really good results. I had ran it on 2 of my strains. While using it I noted tighter nodes, plants looked more lush then the others, & seemed to grow a hell of allot quicker with minimal stretching. So that is always an added bonus.
Interesting. I did some reading on that. They said that the bacillus microbes use nitrogen in the atmosphere to process into the roots. Very interesting. So it's kind of an all around organic conditioner? hrmmm.