trayvan martin

It don't matter what I admit. My admission or denial doesn't change what happened on the ground.

You're needlessly broadening the conversation to the point of confusion.

All that matters is now a couple less girls are going to have to raise a child alone since Martin never got the chance to breed.
says the fatass white supremacist whose wife divorced him (luckily before any offspring were conceived).
Where do you get this shit? Im not fat, I run 4 miles almost every day. You're right about one thing, I have not fathered any children, with my ex-wife or otherwise. Reproductive responsibility is now a bad thing? Is that because African American culture shuns reproductive responsibility?

What is it, about 1/3 of African American babies concieved are aborted, of the remainder who are born nearly 70% are born into homes with no father.... If that is the model you aspire to, then I am a failure, and proud of it.

I'm not even a white supremacist... Western European culture dominates the world for the past few centuries, I'm not exactly sure for all the reasons, but it isn't because of the highest intelligence, nor is it because of supreme physical abilities. How can one be a white supremacist without thinking whites are supreme? That is a new one to me.
Where do you get this shit? Im not fat, I run 4 miles almost every day. You're right about one thing, I have not fathered any children, with my ex-wife or otherwise. Reproductive responsibility is now a bad thing? Is that because African American culture shuns reproductive responsibility?

What is it, about 1/3 of African American babies concieved are aborted, of the remainder who are born nearly 70% are born into homes with no father.... If that is the model you aspire to, then I am a failure, and proud of it.

I'm not even a white supremacist... Western European culture dominates the world for the past few centuries, I'm not exactly sure for all the reasons, but it isn't because of the highest intelligence, nor is it because of supreme physical abilities. How can one be a white supremacist without thinking whites are supreme? That is a new one to me.
lack of reproducton is an evolutionary failure. your unfit as part of the white race . you are not helping. "we must secure the exisense of are people and a future for white children."
lack of reproducton is an evolutionary failure. your unfit as part of the white race . you are not helping. "we must secure the exisense of are people and a future for white children."
Fair enough... But I'm not just going to go getting girls pregnant to secure the future of the white race. I don't give a fuck about the future of the white race beyond 100 years... looking pretty secure for that time frame. Beyond that, me and any children I might one day have will be dead or to old to give a damn.

The white race committed suicide when it decided it would start feeling guilty for all of its great accomplishments of the past; the conquest of North America, colonization of most of the planet are things to be proud of, not ashamed of.
Fair enough... But I'm not just going to go getting girls pregnant to secure the future of the white race. I don't give a fuck about the future of the white race beyond 100 years... looking pretty secure for that time frame. Beyond that, me and any children I might one day have will be dead or to old to give a damn.

The white race committed suicide when it decided it would start feeling guilty for all of its great accomplishments of the past; the conquest of North America, colonization of most of the planet are things to be proud of, not ashamed of.

it's funny how much you and kynes sound alike. kynes is probably mortified.
Where do you get this shit? Im not fat, I run 4 miles almost every day. You're right about one thing, I have not fathered any children, with my ex-wife or otherwise. Reproductive responsibility is now a bad thing? Is that because African American culture shuns reproductive responsibility?

What is it, about 1/3 of African American babies concieved are aborted, of the remainder who are born nearly 70% are born into homes with no father.... If that is the model you aspire to, then I am a failure, and proud of it.

I'm not even a white supremacist... Western European culture dominates the world for the past few centuries, I'm not exactly sure for all the reasons, but it isn't because of the highest intelligence, nor is it because of supreme physical abilities. How can one be a white supremacist without thinking whites are supreme? That is a new one to me.
Lol, 4 whole miles?

Wow, you're a true Captain America.

You spelled horse wrong but you don't see us calling you on it.. btw Trayvan is how it's spelled on his birth certificate not Fox news because they are trying to make fun of him

You spelt world of warcraft wrong, I have to call you on that because the only wordz that come from you are straight trawlin up a dogs ass.
how do you "follow" someone who runs?

and why did zimmerman not go home? why is it martin's job to go home rather than zimmerman's?

zimmerman was on his way to Target for weekly lunches, after just having had a fight with his wife, who had left the marital home for her parents..if anything zimmerman should have been the one to "move along"..TM was just an innocent person who crossed the path of a psycho wannabe..who knows what FRAME of mind zimmy was in.
You spelt world of warcraft wrong, I have to call you on that because the only wordz that come from you are straight trawlin up a dogs ass.

one thing buddy my name is wordzofwordzcraft so i obviously know more about there spelling then you.2nd thing pal your site picture is of a horses eye not a horus a eye. horus eyes are always a little black for not bringing that money back