My Secret Identity


Well-Known Member
It is not a requirement to make public announcements when you ignore folk or their content.
doing so seems irrational to me, i don't know maybe its a cry for help.



Well-Known Member
Sometimes I go by myself, and sometimes I go with others. It keeps things fresh and it's cool to find like minded people. There are so many "sets" out there and they all believe and do something different. There are some real asshats out there too. Last night I met up with Jerry and Tom. We've worked the streets together before. They're pretty good guys. Tom doesn't take any shit, and he gets confrontational a little too fast for my liking. I like to work people's psyche for a better understanding of how to deal with them. You know, do we just beat them up, arrest them, join them, or bury them. It's a mad world, full of decisions. Of course, the people you are with sometimes dictate those outcomes, so, again, it's important to find like minded folk.

Last night we were walking the parks, because there is alot of violence after dark, rape, mugging, murder, rape. Just before dark, right after we got started, we saw a guy sitting in his car near the playground part of the park. We thought maybe he was waiting for his kid, but then we noticed some shoulder movement. We snuck in for a better look and saw that he was choking his chicken to the kids. Tom ran up on his blind side, opened his door, grabbed his junk and pulled him out of the car, then started swinging him around while yelling "you fucking pervert, stay away from kids". The guy was screaming in pain and fear, the kids ran away, dogs started barking, and Tom kept jerking him all around. I think he was trying to pull it off. The guy was trying to pry Tom's hands off, but Tom is so big he had the guy off his feet most of the time and for a few spins, the guys feet were completely off the ground. This went on for a good four or five minutes. Someone called the police because I heard multiple sirens coming. I knew this was not a good "collar" for us, and it would be hard to get away, so I jumped in the guys car and told Jerry and Tom to get in. Tom finally let go and punched the guy a couple of times in his junk. The guy just crumpled holding his crotch. We sped away before the cops showed up and I parked his car at an adult bookstore a few blocks away.


Well-Known Member
This is one "Set". They were in a frat and they are mostly lame. They find strength in numbers and usually work the university, sometimes they comb the high schools. I think they are just looking for girls. I'm getting a little too old to be hanging out with them, but it's good to have contacts, because we're all like a giant gang , made up of smaller gangs. They did help me move once, so another benefit.



Well-Known Member
These guys are pretty cool, and are always "on". They like to fight and get straight to business. If I'm in the mood for some scrappin I will roll with them, always a good time. Rod wears tights to show off his giant nut cannon. He wanted to go by "the incredible bulk" but the other guys wouldn't let him. He was a state champ wrestler and sometimes during a beatdown, he will work moves that rub his junk in the other guy's face. It's pretty funny, because it's usually sweaty and the perp is crying and gagging like he's being waterboarded.



Well-Known Member
Pretty good so far bro
although i couldn't help notice there is a lack of dinosaurs

i count a total of zero dinosaurs in the story
i'm sure you will do your best to correct this problem