Why does God care if I masturbate?

God doesn't care but my boyfriend gets really jealous...
Dude won't mastubate..I find it very odd. He actually said he's offended that I want to finish myself without him at times. ..this annoys me I need to diddle my skittle at times..it's my body lol

Your boyfriend gets jealous of you pleasuring yourself?

Man, that's too crazily perfect not to exploit. If I were you, any time he was around, I'd pretend to make out with my hand, I'd laugh when he's in the other room and pretend like my hand just told a funny joke if he came in asking what I was laughing about

That is the craziest shit I've ever heard
Your boyfriend gets jealous of you pleasuring yourself?

Man, that's too crazily perfect not to exploit. If I were you, any time he was around, I'd pretend to make out with my hand, I'd laugh when he's in the other room and pretend like my hand just told a funny joke if he came in asking what I was laughing about

That is the craziest shit I've ever heard

Why do you hate your partner Pada?

Oh I know.
It's your hand.
MWG is a genuis.

The Judeo_Christian religions seem fixated on sex. Desert cultures have big issues with sex it seems. Must be a pop'n control thing or something.

I fail to see how tallywacking is anyones business but the tallywacker. Long as he/she is not staring through my window I don't care. Oh, and flush roomate from hell. I do not wish to see/smell your tallywackers vomit.
the christian false god is a wanker, an abusive, horribly jealous, needy, greedy, nazi.

kind of off topic but I love COSMOS. Here is the creationist version: CREATIONISM COSMOS


I can't seem to post the video, but it's hosted on I Fucking Love Science, so you know its good.
"Why does God care if I masturbate?"


God cares if you masturbate because God want's to have complete control over you. Words, thoughts, desires, everything. Making you believe it's a sin to masturbate, and that if you do, you'll go to Hell, effectively ensures you won't deviate from the chosen path. Well, most won't, anyway... that's probably why the religious outnumber nonreligious
Guilt is a fantastic tool to gain control. The church is genius for taking something every single healthy mammal does and associating it with guilt. They do this with many things, but none is as ubiquitous an activity as masturbation...
god gave you a dick, god gavd you hands, now use em and enjoy :D

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i'm just glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this thread, as much as I hate to use internet acronyms, I damn near WAS laughing my f-in ass off
Seamen is your seed man gotta respect your body, masturbation is abusing it man and your ether watching porn people exploiting each other, these are people who have familys mother and fathers and wifes. or fantasizing about a women your not with both is chains of evil around your soul clouding your judgement and changing your life for the worse and changing the path you go down. Overcoming masturbation was the hardest thing I have ever done. And sex before marriage also a sin. sex before marriage makes single mothers or worse abortions.. research the kentucky meat incident GOD hates abortions. made it rain human infant flesh check my thread for more info about God
It's not a sin to wack off, no religious text says it's wrong to masturbate, not even the quran.
Onan was killed for refusing to impregnate his brother's wife not masturbation.
Seamen is your seed man gotta respect your body, masturbation is abusing it man and your ether watching porn people exploiting each other, these are people who have familys mother and fathers and wifes. or fantasizing about a women your not with both is chains of evil around your soul clouding your judgement and changing your life for the worse and changing the path you go down. Overcoming masturbation was the hardest thing I have ever done. And sex before marriage also a sin. sex before marriage makes single mothers or worse abortions.. research the kentucky meat incident GOD hates abortions. made it rain human infant flesh check my thread for more info about God

Seriously... just... fuck.. wow..
Seamen is your seed man gotta respect your body, masturbation is abusing it man and your ether watching porn people exploiting each other, these are people who have familys mother and fathers and wifes. or fantasizing about a women your not with both is chains of evil around your soul clouding your judgement and changing your life for the worse and changing the path you go down. Overcoming masturbation was the hardest thing I have ever done. And sex before marriage also a sin. sex before marriage makes single mothers or worse abortions.. research the kentucky meat incident GOD hates abortions. made it rain human infant flesh check my thread for more info about God
Comedian in disguise...

Seriously. Is the guy sitting up on his cloud in heaven watching me masturbate and getting all pissed off? Is he like "Man, MidwesternGro is at it again. This is making me really mad! He knows he isn't supposed to do that!" Why does he watch me masturbate it if it pisses him off?

I love to masturbate. I find it very rewarding and I'm good at it. Hell, I wish it was an Olympic sport. All of you do it too, everybody does it! Why the heck would God care? It doesn't make sense. I would get a gold medal every time if we made it a sport. Hell, make it a team sport! We could jack each other off in circle jerks, every gay dude on earth would watch that. Think of all the advertising income. I would watch the women's masturbation team all day, and I would "practice" to it.

You could place me on a wheaties box with a huge erection and my gold medals hanging from it. Tell all your kids if they masturbate really hard they can be like me one day. I'd be the champion of that shit! Just my luck that the one thing I'm really good at is hated by God.

I can see why religion hates it. Think about it. At the end of masturbating you get a huge reward, it never disappoints. Now compare that with prayer. Doesn't even cum close, amiright? If prayer was rewarded with an orgasm I would do that instead of masturbating 2 or 3 times a day.

Everybody masturbates. Your mom and dad do it. Your kids do if they are old enough. Even grampa beats his dick! Why do we act like it is such a big deal? Welp later all, I'm off to masturbate.

I don't think you are that good at it.