First time grow

Hey everyone first time posting on the forum. I'm about to get a little set up going and wanted to get some opinions from Tried and true growers. First up my box, I am thinking about 2x4 framed 4x4x7, don't know if I should use the reflective insulation or a different reflective source, I am trying to do this as cost effective as possible in the beginning. I plan on doing 4 plants and using a 1000 watt the box size about correct or should I be thinking another size?

I am going to do my first couple of grows soley in dirt And have read a ton of mixed reviews on soils, am I better off mixing my own or buying one from my local grow store? What brands should I be looking at?
The location of the grow will get down to 55 degrees at night, will the insulation and heat from the hps keep it warm enough in the box? ( its a air cooled hood).

To super crop or not to super crop, seen lots a videos with mixed results, would like to know if anyone has done a regular crop and then did a super and what kind of different yields did they get.

Lots of questions and you will all hear from me quite a bit....title says it all "NOOB"


Well-Known Member
super soil u need a month of rest time to 6 weeks (this allows the fungi and other goodies gegt a nice foot hold in the soil)

as for doing this cost effective
get yourself a tent ...........secret jardin 2.5..........or gorrila tents (those are the 2 best) .......theses have your openings your vent points and drawl strings to keep thm air tight

super cropping is just pinching the plants branch foricing it to make a knot witch inturn supplies the buds with more water and goodies to grow bigger up to u about it ...............just do it before u flip the plants into flowering i would not do it on unless it has a long life span 90 days

just keep the plants off the cold floor the HPS is going to make alot alot of heat and if u insulted it u are going to retain the heat to much aand cook plants..............u can just take a peice of wood/carborad put it down then set the tent on top of that and u are safe no worries
super soil u need a month of rest time to 6 weeks (this allows the fungi and other goodies gegt a nice foot hold in the soil)

as for doing this cost effective
get yourself a tent ...........secret jardin 2.5..........or gorrila tents (those are the 2 best) .......theses have your openings your vent points and drawl strings to keep thm air tight

super cropping is just pinching the plants branch foricing it to make a knot witch inturn supplies the buds with more water and goodies to grow bigger up to u about it ...............just do it before u flip the plants into flowering i would not do it on unless it has a long life span 90 days

just keep the plants off the cold floor the HPS is going to make alot alot of heat and if u insulted it u are going to retain the heat to much aand cook plants..............u can just take a peice of wood/carborad put it down then set the tent on top of that and u are safe no worries
Thanks man! Great info, I'm looking forward to getting it going! Do you have any suggestions on soil brands...I also thought about going coco, any thoughts on that?


Well-Known Member
soils there are 3 major good ones

fox farms ocean forest
Roots organic
the best is Sunshine Mix #4

unless u are mixing up subcool's super soil.......u will need a organic feed line system (since u are in soil organics are the best choice they will feed the little things in the soil and those will help keep the soil that prefect 6.5 ph)

to mix it up ppl use fox farms and roots

or if u have the money roots and sunshine mix #4

as for coco i have never done it..................i am currently working on my skills with DWC but it is a big investment for the equipment so i plan to run out the last of the soil i have here then move over to Rdwc system

i linked u them from the their sites so u can see what the packages look like (get better deals from looking around ) ..........and that is from Hightimes itself the subcool's .............they put their name on it so u know has to be good but it takes 1 month to 6 weeks for it to be ready once u mix it
soils there are 3 major good ones

fox farms ocean forest
Roots organic
the best is Sunshine Mix #4

unless u are mixing up subcool's super soil.......u will need a organic feed line system (since u are in soil organics are the best choice they will feed the little things in the soil and those will help keep the soil that prefect 6.5 ph)

to mix it up ppl use fox farms and roots

or if u have the money roots and sunshine mix #4

as for coco i have never done it..................i am currently working on my skills with DWC but it is a big investment for the equipment so i plan to run out the last of the soil i have here then move over to Rdwc system

i linked u them from the their sites so u can see what the packages look like (get better deals from looking around ) ..........and that is from Hightimes itself the subcool's .............they put their name on it so u know has to be good but it takes 1 month to 6 weeks for it to be ready once u mix it
Thanks a ton man! I think I'm going to to 20 perilite, 50 coco and 30 a good base soil. Rinse and toss the coco and soil a few times and feed and water hydro style. Looks like the coco roots are bright white so fuck it. Will hopefully give a nice yield!


Well-Known Member
if u are going Coco

1 make sure u get the right kind of feed..............some product lines are not ment for coco others are double check this fact before u buy

2 doulbe check your gear...........coco is a like hydro and soil combined so i am not 100% sure the PH lvl u need

3 to help u out ..............go to your local brewer's store (they sell supplies to make beer/wine)...........they have things called brewer's buckets ..........get one of those with a spogot and a lid (will make sence in a sec) fill the bucket with water and put a airstone inside of it (the tube goes tho the hole in the lid) the air stone will add desolved oxygen to the water this will make the plants happy when u water them .......less droop bigger buds .............this is Clean PHed water with a air stone only when it is time to add more feed to the system get a water jug (not a milk jug a water jug a milk jug will make the water foul u can not clean it out no even with bleach 5 times and boiling hot water) ...............fill the water jug with the water add your feed cap it shake it and u have everything ready to feed your plants

the best part is when u go to flush later u just take the bucket with u add a hose to spogot turn it on slowly and stand there flush your system out with 5 galons of water .............fill the bucket back up wait 45 mins so holds as much oxygen as it can then repeat is alot easier then pouring jugs tho .....and alot better since it has oxygen in it


Active Member
Im finishing my first grow, I super cropped half my plants and didnt the other. The ones I super cropped didnt bud nearly as much cause they were too far from the light. I wouldnt recommend super cropping for a beginners, theres so many more things to worry about and dial in. This pic is when I first did it (a week into flowering, theres different opinions on when you can and cant do it).
