The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
@ghostdogalpha: thanks man. Hope your job goes good and yes being broke sucks the big one.

I will post some pics of the GreenCrack, BLZ Bud, White Fire OG and I think Skywalker once they start getting big nice buds and colas, can't remember exactly all the strains on this run need to check the labels on the plants.


Well-Known Member
Not as much as I'd have liked mate, maybe 2 small bongs worth but saying that I fell asleep with vape bag in hand n that's never happened.
making iso now, have it sitting on the window ledge with wash b in the freezer for tomorrow...just doing a microwave plate worth (wash a) n see how it goes..

Have a nice size ziplock bag full on only sugar leafs n buds I snipped off by accident lol for iso hash to follow.

iso is sweeeet relax strong as fuck and nice tasting, i just dont like it so much cause its so fucking hard to work with, its sum sticky shit lol

have u ever had proper cannabutter? thats a very easy way of turning trim or the likes of to a very different kinda stoned, eating it is much different imo


Well-Known Member
Never had any of it bud but I was between iso,ice bags n butter but iso seemed to be the best result with the least amount effort...if I don't spill it all.


Well-Known Member
i couldnt handle the fumes mate and it wasnt made in no small space but me mate had to take over cause i said fuck that id rather throw the trim lmao made me feel ill lol a nice bit of bubble i think is the way to go not that i ever do i carnt be arsed to even get bags or ice, kiefhash is ya quickest n easiest way to get something from the trim u just need a screen of sorts, can make n smoke that in minits lolol


Well-Known Member
Once I stop doing the iso this stoned I won't spill it but I'm only gonna do it with trimmings after harvest...don't wanna water my buds making it.


Well-Known Member
Never had any of it bud but I was between iso,ice bags n butter but iso seemed to be the best result with the least amount effort...if I don't spill it all.
I been hearing that some people don't get stoned eating it and some do , the yanks decarb for the edibles so that the thc acid throws off a CO2 molecule and becomes thc..I always eat any scissor hash I get and am high all day


Well-Known Member
dosage is a fucker when it comes to edibles, i been smoking a long time and tend to binge when i have it so tolerance gos up n down, i made some butter once with oz's quite a few of good trim and then put in roughly 15-20g of good popcorn bud, u wana grind it all up as fine as poss when making butter, and always use clarified butter/ghee or coconut oil, the more fat content the better, but anyway i used all that batch well bar maybe 100g of butter on 1 large lemon cake which i cut into 20 small piece's.

put me off butter for life lol i ate 3 pieces of the cake and 20-30 mins later whiteyd harder than i ever have, wasnt pretty lolol


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha yeah I've seen ur edibles n that lemon cake looked the shiz! I had a "space cake" in Belgium actually at a gig in a park n if fucking floored me out of nowhere lol


Well-Known Member
sposed to be good for your health like a pure rik simpson cancer cure......
Yeah never was a believer in it curing cancer hard to believe it could kill all those different mutations...fine if it said some forms of breast cancer but noooo straight up cancer haha.


Well-Known Member
the other good thing bout eating it is that it stays in ya system much longer, if u eat high dosage or late at night u dont wake up with a stoneover u wake up still fucking stoned lolol thats pretty sweet, edibles its a very different ''stone'' tho to smoking well imo anyway.


Well-Known Member
the other good thing bout eating it is that it stays in ya system much longer, if u eat high dosage or late at night u dont wake up with a stoneover u wake up still fucking stoned lolol thats pretty sweet, edibles its a very different ''stone'' tho to smoking well imo anyway.
yeah I like when .... wake up giggling like a little girl lol


Well-Known Member
its weird zedd u actually are still proper stoned lmao only happend a few times on very strong batch's or id eaten a shitload but a nice wakeup lolol

cancer i personally think theres long been a cure but health is BIG business would cost said health insurance companys hundreds of millions prob billions if a cure came about in lost earnings from cancer treatments n new treatments.....


Well-Known Member
What's the best temp for vaping.iso? Woop woop... That mental picture was a little disturbing zeddd lol speaking of disturbing anyone watch hannibal? Very good show


Well-Known Member
im getting a bit lazy with the hash making, cba to ice o late, cba to order dry ice, cba to even freeze for required time, no grade bags just the 220 and shake over the kitchen counter , collect kief and press and heat in a screw press and vape at 225 but fuk im high


Well-Known Member
What's the best temp for vaping.iso? Woop woop... That mental picture was a little disturbing zeddd lol speaking of disturbing anyone watch hannibal? Very good show
yes it was....
its weird zedd u actually are still proper stoned lmao only happend a few times on very strong batch's or id eaten a shitload but a nice wakeup lolol

cancer i personally think theres long been a cure but health is BIG business would cost said health insurance companys hundreds of millions prob billions if a cure came about in lost earnings from cancer treatments n new treatments.....
first time I ate it was 20 yoa in India on my own, went to cross the border to Nepal and had some charas which id barely touched (1986) cos I was an innocent..ish..scoffed an eighth and tripped out for 24 hours...and I mean fukin intense even by trippin standards....was never the same person after that