Conservatives love change.......


New Member
Geeze, CC, you start a thread and end up arguing with yourself. I'd have so guess you are the argumentative type, Oh and you are always right, even when you're wrong, good one. Now to the point. Can you prove that kids will or will not have it better than their parents the "conservative" way. I contend only children of priveledge will fare better, or at least as well. I'm sure you'll shuffle off topic and end up callind me some kind of dumbass, but I'm kind of getting used to being jumped on by ignorant assholes, so feel free to join the crowd.


Well-Known Member
Another old fall back. Conservatives fear change; bullshit. We love change. We love ingenuity. We love progress, not the word, the results. The old axioms of the left have been embraced by those too intelligent to be so, naive?, on the matter. Change, for conservatives, means only one thing. Our children should have a better life than we did, just as our lives are better, in many ways, than our parents. The philosophy of conservatism, as best stated by Buckley, among others, is, as succinctly as possible, do good and be good. Everything else will fall into place. Change is inevitable, and conservatives are realists.
`When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, `it means just what I choose it to mean -- neither more nor less.'


New Member
Geeze, CC, you start a thread and end up arguing with yourself. I'd have so guess you are the argumentative type, Oh and you are always right, even when you're wrong, good one. Now to the point. Can you prove that kids will or will not have it better than their parents the "conservative" way. I contend only children of priveledge will fare better, or at least as well. I'm sure you'll shuffle off topic and end up callind me some kind of dumbass, but I'm kind of getting used to being jumped on by ignorant assholes, so feel free to join the crowd.
No I'm not!!!!...... Wait.....what?


Well-Known Member
I can't seem to establish my point - let me try one last time. You gave yourself that label no matter how you put it because that's all it is really. You are a human nothing more or less - that is what you were born into. When you were 5 years old did you tell your friends you were a conservative??? That's my point. You are just chosing to follow the leader - Be A Leader instead. On the 0 for my age thing well I guess you could say that or whatever else you want because that's really unimportant info. in my opinion.


New Member
I can't seem to establish my point - let me try one last time. You gave yourself that label no matter how you put it because that's all it is really. You are a human nothing more or less - that is what you were born into. When you were 5 years old did you tell your friends you were a conservative??? That's my point. You are just chosing to follow the leader - Be A Leader instead. On the 0 for my age thing well I guess you could say that or whatever else you want because that's really unimportant info. in my opinion.
I'm not "human".........that is merely a state of consciousness. I am a sentient being, traveling the 7 planes of reality, along with you, "fellow traveler".


Well-Known Member
You should be very careful with your vote this coming November, Med. Have you checked out what Obama wants to do with the inheritance tax? His proposal is for a 55% estate tax.

Estate tax only affects the wealthiest 1/2 of 1%

We have to stop pretending that all cuts are equivalent or that all tax increases are the same. Ending corporate subsidies is one thing; reducing health-care benefits to poor children is something else. At a time when ordinary families are feeling hit from all sides, the impulse to keep their taxes as low as possible is honorable. What is less honorable is the willingness of the rich to ride this anti-tax sentiment for their own purposes.

Nowhere has this confusion been more evident than in the debate surrounding the proposed repeal of the estate tax. As currently structured, a husband and wife can pass on $4 million without paying any estate tax. In 2009, this figure goes up to $7 million. The tax thus affects only the wealthiest one-third of 1% in 2009. Repealing the estate tax would cost $1 trillion, and it would be hard to find a tax cut that was less responsive to the needs of ordinary Americans or the long-term interests of the country.

Barack Obama on Tax Reform
Please cut the simple-minded "tax and spend liberal" bullshit. Bush has already spent over 500 BILLION dollars on his illegal and unnecessary war. The final cost is estimated to be close to 1 TRILLION. EVERY PENNY HAS BEEN BORROWED from Japan, China, the UK, etc. This is money that will have to be paid back by our children and grandchildren. There is a word for "borrowing" without consent of the peopel who will eventually have to repay the debt: THEFT!
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