Brick Weed

We call that dirt weed. We call brick brick. Not all brick is dirt weed and not all dirt weed is brick. The mids going round here lately are good. Crystals with full heads and great for hash.
Smokin' on fumes!

I've seen some mid-grade brick long ago, but it wasn't extremely compressed.
Haven't seen compressed weed in person for over 10 years...
In my teens we called it Brown Frown!
Yes the good old Mexican brick. Saw many thousands of ls of it lol. We used to get it for $150 an lb on the US side of the border or $50 if you went over and got it yourself. Then turn and dump it in different places from $650 to $900 an lb the good old days before the Cartel wars kicked off so bad in juarez. Its kinda hard to find now since I dont do the direct go get of it anymore but I do see it out there still for about $700 an lb delivered lol.. You wanna make sure if your getting it that its not brought in to the country in gas tanks find someone who brings truckloads in so you dont get te gassed version.
the first brick i got it had the brown hairs and it smelt okayish buy OH MY FUCKING GOD it was dry as fuck like who ever cured it was a noob now i will admit that in my short 18 years of life i have only grown twice but i still cured my shit better than the damn Mexicans and i will also admit the first time i cured it i let it stay too wet and it molded like when me and my family were halfway through my shit and i smoked some of the molded shit and sold the rest at a "discount" to the dude that sold ripped me off

BUT HOLD ON what pissed me off was the dude i got it from said if i gave him 20 bucks he would get me 2 grams of purple turns out he gave me a gram of this flaky ass weed that i later confirmed as goddamn brick weed and the same dude got my molded ass shit i charged him 15 a damn gram and i sold him about 65 grams


my latest encounter was a little while ago with my brother and me well i herd that this one guy had bulk shit and it was only 275 a pound i drove to his meth shack/ child day care center ( lol jk ) and he had like 10 one pound bricks i gave him the money and he threw me the brick and we left well my brother was like dude we should smoke this shit to try it out and i said okay so i loaded up my old ass glass bowl and realized that this shit was the SAME flaky ass weed that sucked donkey dick with a side of donkey balls well, i said hold on go ahead and smoke this and i have to talk with this guy well i walked back up to his meth shack and banged on the door and he answered and said what and i said where did this weed come from because ive seen this weed a couple years back he said well it comes from Mexico and they hide it in the spare tires of simi trucks and they burn the breaks when the pull up to the border so it smells like burnt rubber and i said oh shit and he said that the dogs cant really pick up the scent and then they end up selling it to the point where it reaches here ( which is V.A. ) and i said thanks man and left well got to the car and my brother was like this shit is guy and i said why and he said i took 15 goddamn hits and iam only buzzed so i said oh shit really and i loaded up the flake weed and took one hit and held it in for like 15 seconds nothing felt i took more hits and held it in longer and i only got buzzed too i later examined the brick AND GODAMN WHAT DO YA KNOW there was super glue in there so it looked like nugs

moral of the story is don't get the brick ether save up and buy quality bud or just grow your own shit
Sounds like you sir are not street savvy if you are going places such as me the labs for herb. Not everyone has shitty smelly ugly brick weed. People who sling for money don't care what they carry. A real normal pot dealer should have some nice brick mids. And again there are varieties of brick you can get:

Hard compressed, but still pretty damn good.
Hard compressed and shitty
Hard compressed, dry and shitty.
Hard and moldy

Then take fluffy and uncompress replace and you have many types. Never judge a mj strain by its cover. Just because it's brick doesn't mean it's not good.
I agree, there are many qualities of brick weed + it all depends on the source you use.
I'd smoke some in front of him(before payment), blow it in his face, tell him it is the worst shit I've ever smoked, hand him back his crap brick + leave.
When I was in high school brick shit was all we could get(until my senior year).i remember the routine,buy a quarter sit down and de-stem and pick out the beans..some was good some was killer.kinda wish I could find some cheap shit for butter..
I agree, there are many qualities of brick weed + it all depends on the source you use.
I'd smoke some in front of him(before payment), blow it in his face, tell him it is the worst shit I've ever smoked, hand him back his crap brick + leave.

yeah lol that would have been a better option but i thought a pound for 275 sounded pretty good and if anyone has brick weed seeds ill gladly take them so i can see what it looked like before it got ground up and shoved up a Mexicans ass
Brick weed still gotta be better than The English(Cheese OR Blues wannabees) badly grown,badly dry(IF) and forget Curing the Mo-Fo...just sell it Wet....


I Rocked some Bagseed when I started got some nice Lemon and Pepper-ish Strains...wish I had known more then and taken Cones....Live & Learn...



Why Brick so such a Bad name...gotta be better than Dirty Sols...
i'm in the s.w. close to the mexican border. the brick here is shit!!! yes, it will get you buzzing, but it stinks like hell when you smoke it. it's also not too potent, and a bitch to break down in a grinder...
I've already got some of this going and harvested before. It's good fun and nice to show off to the people who gave me the brick what their good brick turned into.
Here is a pic of the bricked weed. And a bug I grew from the brick. Taste very similar, the one I grew takes way less though ;)


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I remember my friend at the time coming back to the Bay Area from Texas with an ounce that cost him 40 bucks and a bunch of ratchet blunt wraps and he rolled up a fatty with an apple cinnamon wrap and I took one puff off that shit and it tasted like lawn clippings... Then we went to the club and picked up some fire Romulan to show him what he was missing out on
When Brickweed is usually made, the growers are to fukin lazy to remove the males, that's why its full of seeds, not as pungent, and cheap as shite. But saying that, Ive grown some real monster Sativas out of brickweed seeds, just remember to pull ALL the males, and keep your fingers crossed.