Dark Side Of The Moon.....

Yay your first fruits! Looking good brother. Can't wait to see the other cakes start to pin for you :)!

When I wanted them fresh I would wash them and dry them real well and refrigerate them in tupper ware, or I just dried them on a old window screen.

If you guys can tolerate just dipping the mushrooms in chocolate and eating them you gotta try grinding it. It makes it so easy!! When I was growing them I bought a coffee grinder just to powder up 1/4s at a time.

Oh and rosey I think you would prolly saute them alittle but I don't know how much the heat would damage the effect. Canndo might be able to weigh in here, or maybe google :).
thats some trippy shit!!!! :lol: lookin good ;)
Hell yeah.. lol ;) they are bruising where I had picked um.

why ain't my signature showing up? geesh! hey can I saute them shrooms up and put them on a steak? LOL
I have no clue.. Hell I don't even have "likes" again today!! lol I will make you a PIZZA and hide the Shrooms under the cheese ;) haha

That looks good. I'd give you rep but.....I liked instead.
Thanks bro.. ;)

Yay your first fruits! Looking good brother. Can't wait to see the other cakes start to pin for you :)!

When I wanted them fresh I would wash them and dry them real well and refrigerate them in tupper ware, or I just dried them on a old window screen.

If you guys can tolerate just dipping the mushrooms in chocolate and eating them you gotta try grinding it. It makes it so easy!! When I was growing them I bought a coffee grinder just to powder up 1/4s at a time.

Oh and rosey I think you would prolly saute them alittle but I don't know how much the heat would damage the effect. Canndo might be able to weigh in here, or maybe google :).
YAY!! :) Thanks brother.. Yeah the other jars are colonizing slowely but surely. I believe its where its been colder here. I have been trying to keep a small space heather on the colonizing chamber to keep the temps up around 75 to 80 degree's, but damn it gets to hot in here & I just cant handle that shit.. lol
On with the show. ;) I just made up 3 new jars. 2 of the 3 I used BRF & V + H20 mix. The 3rd out of 3 I used the some new WBS. I just received in 3 new strains. More Golden teachers, Pesa, & Golf Coast. I will be inoculating those 3 cakes as soon as they cool from being sterilized. All the others have been colonizing slowly but surely. :mrgreen: Looks like the popcorn & wild bird seed cakes are moving along faster then the previous ones inoculated before them. Mexican ->View attachment 3020951 24K ->View attachment 3020953 24 K -> View attachment 3020954 Golden Teacher -> View attachment 3020956 Mexican -> View attachment 3020957 colonizing jars -> View attachment 3020958 reptile fogger for terrarium when ready -> View attachment 3020959

again, thanks 4 following the grow..

Nice job! Those boys looking good. I have two reptifroggers, but haven't been able to get any better results that using perlite. What setting do you have them at?
I have mine on a timer as of now. I let the fogger run for a total of 5 minutes every 30 minutes so the cakes/grains wont dry out to much. Where I added 2 (2) litter pop bottles inline with the fogger it traps the extra condensation leaving the mist/fog coming out into the fruiting chamber dry vs wet. ;) I have a custom built fruiting box #2 I am just now putting the finishing touches on. I will post a few pictures of it here in the next few minutes if you'd like to check it out. :) thanks 4 checking out my grow though.. Hope you stick around..

Nice job! Those boys looking good. I have two reptifroggers, but haven't been able to get any better results that using perlite. What setting do you have them at?
Oh yeah, I'm familiar with the pop bottle concept. Its a classic! What dimensions are the fruiting chamber? I may want to replicate that since I have the froggers just sitting there doing nothing. Oh get this, last summer I was driving around on trash night looking for cool shit and furniture and I found one of those onion snapped terrariums from the 1970's! Talking about an ultimate find. They go for like $200 on ebay used! I spotted that thing from a block away. I've never been so excited to see trash in my life. lol!
I hear that.. Good find. Mine is 18 x 12 x 13 and is a 7.5 gallon chamber. Has a small light mounted on the top inside lid, also a small computer fan for air circulation, I still need to make a few more holes. Just go finished up with putting the hepa filters on the screen on the top lid. Now I have to filter the side exhaust vent. ;) I also have to link the fogger up from fruiting chamber #1 to this new chamber. PIC_0622.JPG PIC_0623.JPG PIC_0624.JPG PIC_0625.JPG

Oh yeah, I'm familiar with the pop bottle concept. Its a classic! What dimensions are the fruiting chamber? I may want to replicate that since I have the froggers just sitting there doing nothing. Oh get this, last summer I was driving around on trash night looking for cool shit and furniture and I found one of those onion snapped terrariums from the 1970's! Talking about an ultimate find. They go for like $200 on ebay used! I spotted that thing from a block away. I've never been so excited to see trash in my life. lol!
Oh yeah 4 sure. ;) actually they look to dry. lol. Placed them out on a paper towel in the window (not in direct sun or anything, just for a day. They are now dry to touch & will break if bent. All the other jars are colonizing slowly but surely still. I went ahead and picked all that was left on the cake that fruited & went ahead and flushed it overnight for around 13 to 15 hours I would say & placed it back into the fruiting chamber.. ;) * getting ready to post a few pictures of the other jars that colonizing. ;)
Those little guys dry up for ya? HOws everything else looking?