never heard of them checking out what i can gather in with a few key searches
that is the maker of what u posted from the 2 data sheets i can see looks like everything is good epistar chips the power useage is under what the chip is rated the light waves are listed in the correct rates
they offer 3 years from the seller u were looking at plus the makers offer something .........price is reasonable compaired to other
it is just a crap shoot ................i do not know enough about the maker to say 100% i would order this .........they do not list the angle of the lens on it
to be honest i would tell u look at this one
it is a 9 band for more rounded light (has IR and UVB plus the white)............they have the angles of the lens on the LED mixed 120 and 90 so u will get really good coverage...........this one alone would do u decent .........i would think oz maybe 2 off each plant