US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
You make claims they make claims. You say irrefutable, they say that.

You say they covered everything, they say they didn't.

You can't imagine a rip-off comparable to Big Oil in the 70s?

I can. And this shrill IPCC is it.

The weather changes. Man has been blamed before.

And before that you were burned at the stake, if you took credit for ANY climate change.
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Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You make claims they make claims. You say irrefutable, they say that.

You say they covered everything, they say they didn't.

You can't imagine a rip-off comparable to Big Oil in the 70s?

I can. And this shrill IPCC is it.

The weather changes. Man has be blamed before.

And before that you were burned at the stake, if you took credit for ANY climate change.
I thought you first had to be a witch? If you survived drowning, you were a witch and were burned at the stake. But if you drowned, I guess you weren't a witch and they sent your family condolences.


Well-Known Member
Look.. The IPCC is the best resource we have for studying the climate. The only reason it has come into question is because conservatives who disagree with its findings for political reasons. Not scientific ones. This has been demonstrated, and any time any of the information that comes out of the IPCC is questioned it's later exonerated. These conclusions are seemingly dismissed while the trials are the only thing that matters. This guy was questioned so he must be full of bullshit! Not science.

I say again, anyone who has questioned the IPCC report does so with little/no evidence of any wrongdoing and has an agenda to fulfill. This, again, is completely demonstrable, and those that choose not to see it are only harming themselves in the long run.
Dude, you can check the ice core records for a physical record of the atmospheric CO2 concentrations throughout history.

Both the IPCC and the NIPCC have skin in the game, all objectivity is lacking.


Well-Known Member
That sir, is about the most funny thing you have ever said.... without actually calling a name or stooping to debate. :)

Do you think it does not? So now, climate and weather are no longer synonyms?

Anything is possible, I guess.... In Crazy Town.

noun: climate; plural noun: climates
  1. 1.​
    the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
    "our cold, wet climate"
    synonyms:weather conditions, weather; More
    atmospheric conditions
    "the mild climate"

Climate is how weather behaves over a long period of time. It consists of MANY types of weather.

So, no they are demonstrably not the same thing. 'The climate' is made of many varying weather patterns, whereas 'the weather' is what's happening at any given point in time. That's what I meant.

If it happens to snow in Egypt you'd say, "The weather is cold", not "Egypt is an area with a cold climate".

I used to think you liked playing dumb, now I see it was never an act.


Well-Known Member
Climate is how weather behaves over a long period of time. It consists of MANY types of weather.

So, no they are demonstrably not the same thing. 'The climate' is made of many varying weather patterns, whereas 'the weather' is what's happening at any given point in time. That's what I meant.

If it happens to snow in Egypt you'd say, "The weather is cold", not "Egypt is an area with a cold climate".

I used to think you liked playing dumb, now I see it was never an act.

I think you love semantics over facts, Philo, and I have never been wrong about that.


Well-Known Member

general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe

I used to think you liked playing dumb, now I see it was never an act.


Well-Known Member
Are climate patterns part of global weather then?

Does space weather impact air weather?

Do ocean climes impact global climate patterns of weather, over time?

So, the climate stays the same centruy after century until mankind caused the static climate to change? Is that it?

Climate was not changing before 150 years ago and we somehow have finally caused the climate to change? is that it?


Well-Known Member
I think you love semantics over facts, Philo, and I have never been wrong about that.
It's not semantics. It's using the language we've all agreed upon properly.

Stating weather and climate are synonyms is completely incorrect.


Well-Known Member
Who agreed?

Climate was not changing before 150 years ago and we somehow have finally caused the climate to change? is that it?


Well-Known Member
Of course, the climate is changing, and the weather patterns are changing.

No one is Denying that.


Well-Known Member
Are climate patterns part of global weather then?

Does space weather impact air weather?

Do ocean climes impact global climate patterns of weather, over time?

So, the climate stays the same centruy after century until mankind caused the static climate to change? Is that it?

Climate was not changing before 150 years ago and we somehow have finally caused the climate to change? is that it?
First off, most of those questions aren't intelligent, pertinent, or relevant in any way to this discussion so I'm ignoring them.

Climate changes naturally, very slowly.

What we've seen since this century is a steady increase in the speed at which things are changing, and it appears to be getting faster. Temps have rose 0.8°C (1.5°F) in the 20th century, and the first decade of the 21st century has been the hottest on record....


Well-Known Member
Who agreed?

Climate was not changing before 150 years ago and we somehow have finally caused the climate to change? is that it?
Would you like to use English? I would.

If you're on board with using English, then we need to use "English words" in the manner in which they are intended. That means no making up your own definitions, or using the words weather and climate interchangeably.


Well-Known Member
Who agreed the climate is not capable of changing this fast without us. Who as ruled out coincidence?

Who has agreed that an observation of Venus in that orbit, mass, core spin, etc, is relevant in our orbit?

We can use gasses in a greenhouse, That is not a climate model. We can see these gasses in our atmosphere, but there is no model of Venus with our atmosphere.

You seem to think things like this cannot take on a life of their own. Yet, history will ONLY disagree.

A cabal is not a general agreement. A cult is not a scientific consensus.


Well-Known Member
Who agreed the climate is not capable of changing this fast without us. Who as ruled out coincidence?
As with any science, there is no certainty, only varying degrees of likelihood. It's not impossible that it is a coincidence, it's just exponentially more likely that it isn't.

Who has agreed that an observation of Venus in that orbit, mass, core spin, etc, is relevant in our orbit?
The behavior of things like CO2 and water, don't change from planet to planet. Ice is still ice, water is still H2O.

We can use gasses in a greenhouse, That is not a climate model. We can see these gasses in our atmosphere, but there is no model of Venus with our atmosphere.
Just like when the police get on a murderscene, and they DIDN'T ACTUALLY SEE THE MURDER HAPPEN, they gather evidence to form the best explanation possible. Like DNA samples, fingerprints, footprints, tire tracks, etc.

You seem to think things like this cannot take on a life of their own. Yet, history will ONLY disagree.

A cabal is not a general agreement. A cult is not a scientific consensus.
What was that stat? 97% of Climate Scientists around the word agree that global warming is most likely caused by human activities?

What you're left with are a fringe 3% of deniers. Now, when it comes to the general public's opinion on the validity of ACC, it doesn't fucking matter what they think. That's like asking a plumber for his medical opinion during brain surgery.


Well-Known Member
Well, Citizen, I see you.

So, please tell me how do you define, a climate scientist?

Then I can very easily put the facts on table.

Now, I know full well you do not want that. It doesn't matter how you define it. We just need to define that.

For example, what is the list, the total number that was polled, to get All Climate Scientists?

How did you derive the 97% + the 3% to call that All Climate Scientists?

This is where the facts begin.
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Well-Known Member
Well, Citizen, I see you.

So, please tell me how do you define, a climate scientist?

Then I can very easily put the facts on table.

Now, I know full well you do not want that. It doesn't matter how you define it. We just need to to define that.

For example, what is the list, the total number that was polled, to get All Climate Scientists?

How did you derive the 97% + the 3% to call that All Climate Scientists?

This is where the facts begin.
The stats are defined in these papers;

W. R. L. Anderegg, “Expert Credibility in Climate Change,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 107 No. 27, 12107-12109 (21 June 2010); DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1003187107.

P. T. Doran & M. K. Zimmerman, "Examining the Scientific Consensus on Climate Change," Eos Transactions American Geophysical Union Vol. 90 Issue 3 (2009), 22; DOI: 10.1029/2009EO030002.

N. Oreskes, “Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change,” Science Vol. 306 no. 5702, p. 1686 (3 December 2004); DOI: 10.1126/science.1103618.


Well-Known Member
This is a pretty complete list of all the Global scientific bodies that agree with the findings; that climate change has been accelerated and will continue to accelerate from human actions.

Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
Académie des Sciences, France
Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
Academy of Athens
Academy of Science of Mozambique
Academy of Science of South Africa
Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
African Academy of Sciences
Albanian Academy of Sciences
Amazon Environmental Research Institute
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Anthropological Association
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
American Astronomical Society
American Chemical Society
American College of Preventive Medicine
American Fisheries Society
American Geophysical Union
American Institute of Biological Sciences
American Institute of Physics
American Meteorological Society
American Physical Society
American Public Health Association
American Quaternary Association
American Society for Microbiology
American Society of Agronomy
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Plant Biologists
American Statistical Association
Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
Australian Academy of Science
Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Australian Coral Reef Society
Australian Institute of Marine Science
Australian Institute of Physics
Australian Marine Sciences Association
Australian Medical Association
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
Botanical Society of America
Brazilian Academy of Sciences
British Antarctic Survey
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
California Academy of Sciences
Cameroon Academy of Sciences
Canadian Association of Physicists
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
Canadian Geophysical Union
Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
Canadian Society of Soil Science
Canadian Society of Zoologists
Center for International Forestry Research
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)


Well-Known Member

Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
Crop Science Society of America
Cuban Academy of Sciences
Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
Ecological Society of America
Ecological Society of Australia
Environmental Protection Agency
European Academy of Sciences and Arts
European Federation of Geologists
European Geosciences Union
European Physical Society
European Science Foundation
Federation of American Scientists
French Academy of Sciences
Geological Society of America
Geological Society of Australia
Geological Society of London
Georgian Academy of Sciences
German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
Indian National Science Academy
Indonesian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
InterAcademy Council
International Alliance of Research Universities
International Arctic Science Committee
International Association for Great Lakes Research
International Council for Science
International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
International Research Institute for Climate and Society
International Union for Quaternary Research
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
Islamic World Academy of Sciences
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Kenya National Academy of Sciences
Korean Academy of Science and Technology
Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
Latin American Academy of Sciences
Latvian Academy of Sciences
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
National Association of State Foresters
National Center for Atmospheric Research
National Council of Engineers Australia
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Research Council
National Science Foundation
Natural England
Natural Environment Research Council, UK
Natural Science Collections Alliance
Network of African Science Academies
New York Academy of Sciences
Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
Nigerian Academy of Sciences
Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
Oklahoma Climatological Survey
Organization of Biological Field Stations
Pakistan Academy of Sciences
Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Polish Academy of Sciences
Romanian Academy
Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
Royal Astronomical Society, UK
Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
Royal Irish Academy
Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
Royal Society of Canada
Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
Royal Society of the United Kingdom
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Russian Academy of Sciences
Science and Technology, Australia
Science Council of Japan
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Society for Ecological Restoration International
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Society of American Foresters
Society of Biology (UK)
Society of Systematic Biologists
Sudan Academy of Sciences
Sudanese National Academy of Science
Tanzania Academy of Sciences
The Wildlife Society (international)
Turkish Academy of Sciences
Uganda National Academy of Sciences
Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
World Federation of Public Health Associations
World Forestry Congress
World Health Organization
Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences
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