will it flower in a one gallon pot ?


New Member
hey guys, this is my first time growing and I'm living with my dad who is an anti-cannabis person. I'm planting in my bathroom and i want my plants to be smallest as they can be so i can manage to hide them whenever i need to lol. I have planted three seeds in one gallon pots and I'm using 15w CFL bulbs. will they do the trick? and will the plant manage to flower in such small pots?? and if yes, will it need less time to flower since it can't grow that big?? n how long would u guys estimate till it flower?? this is the first week since the plants have sprouted and they're growing ok so far.



bud bootlegger
you can flower it in any sized pot that you'd like. the smaller the container, the smaller the potential yield though..
you can also start flowering w/e you want to be switching the lighting to 12 hours on, and 12 hours off..
i'll leave the don't grow in your parents home speech up to someone else though.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I will bite.

It is commendable that you would like to grow your own plant and I do not think that you will find a person on this site that thinks that growing weed should be illegal.

I do think that you could find opinions that smoking cannibus during your formative years may not be advisable, but I think the jury is still out on that one.

On the other hand the fact that you are doing something in your parents house that you Know that they would not approve of is Seriously a poor decision.

My advice to you is to do what you can to get along with your Dad and then get the fuck out and do what you want on your own time.

In the time being you should learn as much about growing as you can.

that being said.... nice little seedlings


Active Member
I will bite.

It is commendable that you would like to grow your own plant and I do not think that you will find a person on this site that thinks that growing weed should be illegal.

I do think that you could find opinions that smoking cannibus during your formative years may not be advisable, but I think the jury is still out on that one.

On the other hand the fact that you are doing something in your parents house that you Know that they would not approve of is Seriously a poor decision.

My advice to you is to do what you can to get along with your Dad and then get the fuck out and do what you want on your own time.

In the time being you should learn as much about growing as you can.

that being said.... nice little seedlings


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking he's gonna smell them plants at some point. No place outside to put them after they veg a bit? That leaves a little deniability, unless you plant them perfectly spaced in a row or something. I think you'd be better off not doing it. Maybe a friend will want to grow them at his house and you can share the rewards.

I'd advise not growing right now as well though.


Well-Known Member
Be better off finding a secluded spot outside(Away from Ya Dad) and IF you live in muscat, oman Least you got the Weather 4 it.

Though Not sure about Legality of your Country: But be careful...


Maybe try Auto's...some do very well out doors...

EDIT: 1 gal = 4.5L not a lot of space, give em week or two indoors they find somewhere away from House(but not too far) and remove from Pot n stick in the ground...Yield will be far better....


New Member
I will bite.

It is commendable that you would like to grow your own plant and I do not think that you will find a person on this site that thinks that growing weed should be illegal.

I do think that you could find opinions that smoking cannibus during your formative years may not be advisable, but I think the jury is still out on that one.

On the other hand the fact that you are doing something in your parents house that you Know that they would not approve of is Seriously a poor decision.

My advice to you is to do what you can to get along with your Dad and then get the fuck out and do what you want on your own time.

In the time being you should learn as much about growing as you can.

that being said.... nice little seedlings
haha i appreciate your concern and all, but im not in my formative years man hahaha. relax people im 23!
though, i do think that the jury would concur on that.
anyways, I've really put alot of thought into this, and for now i believe im on the safe side, the only thing im afraid of is when it grows bigger and the smell. will it be very strong?? ... anyways i appreciate your advice and im going to call it off when ever this feels too risky.
off topic, i have been keeping it in a dark hidden place whenever im not around, and when i am around i would put under the lights. im getting also 3 hours of sun in my room. i started with a 12/12 cycle of sunlight it grew very quickly, but i wont be able to continue this as i was home alone.
how long do u think it would take to flower (assuming they are females(or atleast one)) I have increased hours of light since they r getting only 3 hours of sun now, and im keeping them for an extra 12 hrs under the CFL's. so total 15 hours and 9 hrs of sleep.


Well-Known Member
You won't have to worry about it getting Big n Smelly in 1 gal Pot under 15w CFL...I would just look at it as a learning experience...You could maybe Top em once they so big..12/12 is for Flowering and unless you gonna stick to that you need to give 15hrs upwards of light...still think(Depending on Laws n Risk factor) that outside, in a secluded space in the Dirt will do you better, Plant with good back-fill soil/perlite mix with added Guano and few other amendments will give you a Nice Plant...

All depends on what you are expecting and what you are prepared to do to achieve these goals.

Peace n Good Luck


New Member
Be better off finding a secluded spot outside(Away from Ya Dad) and IF you live in muscat, oman Least you got the Weather 4 it.

Though Not sure about Legality of your Country: But be careful...


Maybe try Auto's...some do very well out doors...

EDIT: 1 gal = 4.5L not a lot of space, give em week or two indoors they find somewhere away from House(but not too far) and remove from Pot n stick in the ground...Yield will be far better....
It is extremely illegal. I'm actually having second thoughts about going through with this, and you people made it worse for me, now im kinda paranoid. :eyesmoke:lol
i think ill just keep them indoors for now and try to control their size and flower as soon as possible as smallest as possible. if it felt too risky i will dispose them. i cant keep them outdoors no place. though, weather is indeed perfect for it, u can even say its too hot for it, but with good attention and lots of watering, it'll grow fantastically.
im not sure about the auto's, actually i have no idea which strain my seeds are also... i hope its indica as i red it grows shorter.
anyways thanks bro, peace.


Well-Known Member
With seeds that are Autos(Autofems would be best for your situation) you just plant and the plant will Flower in X amount of days(depending on strain) could be 55-70 days With Autofems you pretty much gonna get Females ~


IF it's gonna be a BIG risk and You Paranoid already then don't do it...But nothing to stop you reading up on it and learning before you take the plunge...could maybe even move House...heck even Country...

In England it's also illegal, But our authorities will just lock you up with 3x free meals a day, fresh clothes, Showers(can be a bit Dodgy) and even a gym, and a Tv in every bedroom(Oops I mean Cell)

If you had your Own place(with a basement/cellar) and told Nobody...maybe it be safer...

But for me in them circumstances it would be Auto's and in a place nobody would think to look OR they chance of you being followed...

EDIT: A Link on growing for you....


After checking some Grow Threads, Check out the Auto Threads....can get good Crops every ten weeks with the right strains and maybe even make your own seeds, but that's something for the Future to think about..



New Member
With seeds that are Autos(Autofems would be best for your situation) you just plant and the plant will Flower in X amount of days(depending on strain) could be 55-70 days With Autofems you pretty much gonna get Females ~


IF it's gonna be a BIG risk and You Paranoid already then don't do it...But nothing to stop you reading up on it and learning before you take the plunge...could maybe even move House...heck even Country...

In England it's also illegal, But our authorities will just lock you up with 3x free meals a day, fresh clothes, Showers(can be a bit Dodgy) and even a gym, and a Tv in every bedroom(Oops I mean Cell)

If you had your Own place(with a basement/cellar) and told Nobody...maybe it be safer...

But for me in them circumstances it would be Auto's and in a place nobody would think to look OR they chance of you being followed...

EDIT: A Link on growing for you....


After checking some Grow Threads, Check out the Auto Threads....can get good Crops every ten weeks with the right strains and maybe even make your own seeds, but that's something for the Future to think about..

haha a country would be great.
I have red a lot about this and done a lot of research.
thanks for all the information though, very beneficial stuff.
i think that I might just do what u suggested and keep em, and if i thought their getting out of control regarding size or smell, i would get rid of them, would be a shame though. I've always wanted to grow my own stash, desire-wise and less-risk-wise.
anyways thanks man peace.


Well-Known Member
waste of time. as soon as some body takes a shit and turns the light on when they are expose to be off . the plant will be fucked . might as well stop right now. suggest using a closet ???? I could pull an ounce from a coffee can easy.


New Member
you can flower it in any sized pot that you'd like. the smaller the container, the smaller the potential yield though..
you can also start flowering w/e you want to be switching the lighting to 12 hours on, and 12 hours off..
i'll leave the don't grow in your parents home speech up to someone else though.
i got some speeches alright, haha.
do u have any idea about the minimum time it needs to harvest? whats the record? 8)


New Member
waste of time. as soon as some body takes a shit and turns the light on when they are expose to be off . the plant will be fucked . might as well stop right now. suggest using a closet ???? I could pull an ounce from a coffee can easy.
already thought about this friend, got a place for them during the resting period. but with no air source.


Active Member
Hey man looks like you might wanna go with 12/12 from seed. that way it will flower the fastest other then auto strains.
It will still take around 3 months or so to finish. MK.jpg WWxAH1.jpg 6" pots . 12/12fs . light spectrum is mixed. 50/50 ratio of 6300k-2700k ( mixing the spectrum is said to keep them from stretching too much ) . good luck man