MOAB (Mother of all blooms) VS Nectar For The Gods!!!

What's funny is that 90-100% of you will ignore me and keep boasting MOAB while ignoring the existance of mono potassium phosphate, even though they're the same thing.

Admit it, we live in a pathetic consumerist economy where we've stooped to renaming all the common household chemicals to ridiculous names like "mad scientist".

Someone ought to rename table salt to "mother of all salty tastes". Sodium Chloride is too hard to remember, but I can remember "mother of all salty tastes".

No offense, but people who don't make this connection even when pointed out have their heads in the sand. They are stubborn to the extreme. (or trying to sell you something)

One is 0-52-32 other is 0-52-34

Never ran any boogie brew. However I have ran the P3 with the Floranova & flora + in a few past grows with good results. ;)
That's good to hear, were you running any other additives with those products? Where your results good as far as weight, smell, and potency compared to other grows. And also how did you use the flora nova. I was thinking maybe go quarter strength the whole way through and feed every other watering, but I'll see what the plants tell me.
Dank can you throw a vote tab up for bloom boosters maybe? Sorry I was ust looking since I have so many different boosters and am back on my m.o.a.b. this cycle.

I know that wasn't what this thread was about but I see some good info on other products so was just wondering.

hey rosie finally scavanged enough bottles I will get to it. Slow and steady wins the race....
When I feed that round I used like said the Flora lineup, also the flora +, and the P3. That was it. OH wait, molasses to. ;-) I started off with a lower ppm reading then just gradually worked them up. I had "ok" results, meaning it could have been better. lol Of course I am sure you'll soon come to learn I am "always" searching for that just right nutrients lineup. I still have a few lineup's I have yet to use but have them sitting in the corner. lol Like the NFTG I have yet to use any of the flowering nutes. I only used the veg 1 round. So I have been wanting to give those a shot, and will be using those this grow. 1 HSH will be getting the NFTG & the other will be getting dosed with the MOAB + GH. I had thought of doing GO lineup + MOAB but changed my mind. ;)
That's good to hear, were you running any other additives with those products? Where your results good as far as weight, smell, and potency compared to other grows. And also how did you use the flora nova. I was thinking maybe go quarter strength the whole way through and feed every other watering, but I'll see what the plants tell me.
Vote tab :confused: Still trying to figure out this new layout bro. As soon as I do, and or someone posts how to I will 4 sure do that 4 everyone ;)
Dank can you throw a vote tab up for bloom boosters maybe? Sorry I was ust looking since I have so many different boosters and am back on my m.o.a.b. this cycle.

I know that wasn't what this thread was about but I see some good info on other products so was just wondering.

hey rosie finally scavanged enough bottles I will get to it. Slow and steady wins the race....
When I feed that round I used like said the Flora lineup, also the flora +, and the P3. That was it. OH wait, molasses to. ;-) I started off with a lower ppm reading then just gradually worked them up. I had "ok" results, meaning it could have been better. lol Of course I am sure you'll soon come to learn I am "always" searching for that just right nutrients lineup. I still have a few lineup's I have yet to use but have them sitting in the corner. lol Like the NFTG I have yet to use any of the flowering nutes. I only used the veg 1 round. So I have been wanting to give those a shot, and will be using those this grow. 1 HSH will be getting the NFTG & the other will be getting dosed with the MOAB + GH. I had thought of doing GO lineup + MOAB but changed my mind. ;)

I don't know much about bloom boosters. This is my 3rd grow and I see improvement. But taste and smell are what my last grows lacked I'm hoping the P3 will help in that department.
Would be impossible. Its entirely different software uses different database structure. Give the mods some time, this wasn't planned. It was in response to the vbulletin (old forum) database being exploitable. Mods did this for everyone's safety overall. I know its different but Rolli has already said "its your site I just try to keep it up" or something like that. Give *constructive* feedback in the support thread and I'm sure the layout and interface will be getting tweaked over the next several weeks. :)