LED are totally different then any other light.................since a LED can be desigined it not limited to how the engery passes tho the gasses..............
here is the wiki link........the LED section will explain the light wave nano meter ...............the white light is to help offer a balance to the led and also encorage the plant to make resin glands to protect itself (white light is also known as a finishing light)
BloomBoss Spot Directions:
* Distance from plants: 6 to 18 inches
* Total Coverage Area: 4 square feet
BloomBoss Spot Specifications
* Power Consumption: 12w
* Output - Blue 430nm~470nm, Red 660nm and Full White
that is the info u asked me .........strait off the page the other part i can not answer for u but running on a 2x2 foot print to get maximum goodness from the light i would say it is equaled to 2 of your 43
LED are good for the depth they can get into your plant.........some of them can get up to 60 inches of effective depth (but those are the super exp LED)...........these are spot light models so safety 30 inches to 40 inches