Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I'm here.....came close to giving up trying to establish new pword but it wasn't that difficult...hey everybody, going to the doc's this morning, found a tick on my left arm near the armpit, not gonna fool around with pioneer medicine just going to the doctors.
I'm here.....came close to giving up trying to establish new pword but it wasn't that difficult...hey everybody, going to the doc's this morning, found a tick on my left arm near the armpit, not gonna fool around with pioneer medicine just going to the doctors.
Good luck bud!

The early bird gets the worm but
The second mouse gets the cheese

You know what they say
When the cat's away
The mouse masturbates
And who's following me...so wrong for tha paranoid bunch we deal with..almost 300 people follow me! Finally a few people care...or just freaked out thinking I knew something. .ya going with 2 on this one
check out what i made while rollitup was down

Game description:

Resources for GameMaker 8.1 available with download.

Ever look threw a microscope? Have you ever wondered what it might be like as an unicellular organism? Now you can do both... become king of the microbes.

Keyboard left and right to change direction. Hold space to increase speed. If your microbe is fully grown then you may use DOWN arrow key to fire weapon(mRNA).


It is almost 50mb cause of the audio(songs) i used.
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