New site layout! What do you like? What do you not like?

Well I went from being a new member to being well-known. It appears that this site is still under construction. I still can't find any of my journal post.....I'll be bummed if those are lost.
hey lilroach..i know they are still transferring a lot of the journals and stuff.
With they I meant admin and crew, it's an add-on to the forum software, once installed it will for you just be an option in Preferences. No need for you or others to dl or install something.
False post, just checking my avatar etc...
I really like the new site look except for my
avatar is messed up and no post count.
I hope this will be fixed soon.
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Is there a link from mobile to fullsite? I just can't seem to find it.

Glad to see the site back up and running. Awesome job. I know there was a lot of grey hair germinated in the process.