Puberty in young girls ?


Well-Known Member
What do you think about young girls getting puberty so young in this generation ?
Does it come down to hormones in meat that we eat ?
Or is it genetic ?
Or maybe we just eat too much ? and girla are growing faster ?
What's your opinion people ?
The most recent study on genetically modified foods, shows that long-term consumption of the herbicide Roundup and Roundup tolerant GM corn (maize) may cause hormonal imbalance.
shit i think thats why i love these 15 year old girls so much just like the one in my picture
You "Like" that?? Each to their own I guess.........


I wanna Steak Not a Dirty Burger...!
Honestly the title threw me for a loop but just for a sec because I remember you have a daughter and this might be a legit question.

I don't have any concrete evidence to link but I do agree with the commander, with all the additives found in our food today it isn't much of a stretch to think it has causality when looking at the sexual maturity rate in humans, especially the females.
My friends and I call them summer girls {some are 15, some are 16}, when looking at them from a distance or behind they have the shape of a mature women and then you see it, their face, you feel like a complete scum bag for even thinking such a thing about a young girl.
Then you realize it's not just you who thought this and it begs the question, What's going on here?
The fashion {or lack there of} has plenty to do with it I think, most younger women are completely objectified and have no clue as to why.
This post has taken on a tone that may be misleading, so I'll stop typing now...
Did a doubletake a few months ago because a girl with big uns was walking down the street and saw she couldn't have been more than 12-15 years old. Shit changed since I was a teenager.
What do you think about young girls getting puberty so young in this generation ?
Does it come down to hormones in meat that we eat ?
Or is it genetic ?
Or maybe we just eat too much ? and girla are growing faster ?
What's your opinion people ?

Its definetly the meat man, I read an article i cant find now that related the quality and quantity of meat ingested nowadays in comparisson to 50 years ago. I had a friend who had her first period at 8 years old, thats fucking extreme.
Then again in the society we live in if you dont get a pair of tits by 12 and start wearing tighter clothes theres a chance of being marginalized at school and among peers.
I've always joked about the water in some cities but even that has part to blame. People flushing prescription drugs that go right back into the water supply.

But like mentioned above, meat has so many hormones pumped into it today it's ridiculous. Breasts by 10 and cancer by 40. :neutral:
If you saw the rats my dog used to kill in the meat district in NYC, you'd drive to Jersey to do your shopping
If you saw the rats my dog used to kill in the meat district in NYC, you'd drive to Jersey to do your shopping

