US college professor demands imprisonment for climate-change deniers

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Well-Known Member
What in the fuck are you babbling about? Straw man argument much? There's a correlation between elevated CO2 levels and humans starting to burn fossil fuels. Nice logically devoid argument though. If the only thing you have to contribute is facile arguments from absurdity, you might as well just stop now.
Yet temperature continue to decline.


Well-Known Member
Yet temperature continue to decline.
Temperatures aren't declining. Please provide a source.

There is a plateau right now, but temperatures are still higher than previous decades. Possible reasons for slowed global warming;

  • A series of small volcanoes since 2000 that have spewed sunlight-blocking ash skyward
  • The natural 11-year solar cycle, whose declining phase lasted longer than usual: from 2000 to 2009
  • Variations in the exchange of heat between the ocean and atmosphere (one aspect of internal climate variability). Simulations by NCAR researchers suggest that periods when more heat gets stored deep in the ocean could be an important factor in slowing down atmospheric warming for a decade or more.

Here's the temperatures over the arctic since the start of AD time....



Well-Known Member
Full 307mth flat.jpg

Hooray... I can post properly, again!
When I look at the GISS graph I made, I keep wondering about those spikes over the last 20 years. Something just strikes me as being odd about those. Hmmm :chinscratch: ... maybe it's nothing.


Well-Known Member
Climate denier's need to ask themselves... If climate change isnt happening are there any negative effects for trying to pollute the environment less? as opposed to if climate change is real are there any negative effects if we dont try and change?
Exactly. Even if humans aren't contributing to global warming, or at least to the extent that some say, what's the down side to being better stewards of our planet?


Well-Known Member
I don't see people saying the climate doesn't change. I see them(including myself) questioning the attribution of the warming.

I do see some saying it has stopped warming. But no one is denying that climate can change.

Edit: pollution is bad. I don't see anyone saying pollution is good... To me that's a whole different issue.


Well-Known Member
The models are bogus beyond any reasonable doubt.
The new IPCC report released today is nothing but alarmist hysteria posing as science.
It is pure politics.

This old guy has had enough.

Of course the resident alarmists will proceed to vilify and demean this gent as is their wont to do.
Predictable and un-scientific.

Look here:

He has pulled back from the alarmist predictions of The Revenge of Gaia, published in 2006, and now says the rate of global warming is slower than he anticipated. "I was a little too certain in that book," he admits. "You just can't tell what's going to happen." He says the oceans store most of the heat from the sun, tempering the impact on the atmosphere, and our lack of understanding of the likely effects of the warming of the oceans makes it very difficult to predict the long-term impact. "It could be terrible within a few years, though that's very unlikely, or it could be hundreds of years before the climate becomes unbearable."

Also see here:[h=1]The IPCC's Latest Report Deliberately Excludes And Misrepresents Important Climate Science[/h]
We know the authors of the IPCC’s reports have financial conflicts of interest, since the government bureaucracies that select them and the UN that oversees and edits the final reports stand to profit from public alarm over the possibility that global warming will be harmful. The authors of the NIPCC series have no such conflicts. The series is funded by three private family foundations without any financial interest in the outcome of the global warming debate. The publisher, The Heartland Institute, neither solicits nor receives any government or corporation funding for the Climate Change Reconsidered series. (It does receive some corporate funding for its other research and educational programs.)


Well-Known Member

Patience is quite virtuous.
Are you familiar with the term; The last laugh?
IPCC report due Monday.
Court cases pending...
Smugness can be painful!
Ha ha ha hardee har har.
Yes indeed you must be correct...Wiki is a great scientific citation.
The last laugh will be the most telling. The fullness of time will reveal your righteous misguided faith.
Sit tight. Smoke dope. Heavily.
I reiterate; PATIENCE.
It will be fun to chat next week.

You are a fairly good sport, and nowhere near as caustic and bitter and seething with bile as Buck.
What makes you think the 5th report will say anything different than the 4th report, especially after reading the overwhelming conclusions they've already released (that I just posted) confirming ACC?
The models are bogus beyond any reasonable doubt.
The new IPCC report released today is nothing but alarmist hysteria posing as science.
It is pure politics.

This old guy has had enough.

Of course the resident alarmists will proceed to vilify and demean this gent as is their wont to do.
Predictable and un-scientific.

What did you expect??


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Even if humans aren't contributing to global warming, or at least to the extent that some say, what's the down side to being better stewards of our planet?
Our economy and way of life are dependent on energy. If you don't mind walking everywhere, not heating or cooling your home, no lights, no food, basically every thing technology has brought us, then I guess there is no downside.


Well-Known Member
The new IPCC report released today is nothing but alarmist hysteria posing as science.
It is pure politics.

This old guy has had enough.
but the heartland institute is trustworthy, not political, and good shit science.


take your ball and go home, you deluded old fuck.


Well-Known Member
I love this from Rolling Stone. They seem to agree with me, on the other side of the conflict. So I know it must be war not science.

But perhaps the most significant thing about the new IPCC report is not the scientific findings. It's that the release of the report may actually mark the beginning of a new phase of the climate wars – one in which scientists and activists learn to fight back.


Well-Known Member
I love this from Rolling Stone. They seem to agree with me, on the other side of the conflict. So I know it must be war not science. But perhaps the most significant thing about the new IPCC report is not the scientific findings. It's that the release of the report may actually mark the beginning of a new phase of the climate wars – one in which scientists and activists learn to fight back.
I like how they explain away the fact their predictions haven't come about. "They seize on small errors and inconsequential factual inconsistencies in a piece of climate research and use it to discredit the science". See? Being factually wrong doesn't mean you're wrong, they're wrong to point it out.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member

too bad all of it points in the direction of human activities contributing to the rise in temperatures.
Haha! Globalization then contributes way more to "AGW" than anything else. Yet, why don't I hear you bitching about us not increasing tariffs to decrease imports over domestic production? There are currently 8 massive container ships which output the same pollution as 50 million cars. When the latest batch of these container ships which are already completed go into action, they will contribute another 29 billion cars of pollution. The current 90,000 regular sized container ships are equal to about 2 billion cars, the total cars worldwide is a little over 1 billion. Too bad if it is human activities, it's something a normal person has no control over and won't even be making a dent compared to globalization.

You're the "capitalist" and you hate being "John Galt." Well, bro, that's not me at all. Everything I buy is made in America. I eat only fruits and vegetables. If anyone is contributing to "AGW," it's you.

No amount of FCLs is going to offset that. You're delusional and these same companies polluting are the ones funding your hysteria. BP's biggest R&D right now is alternative energy. Your activism is the equivalent to Al Gore's carbon credits, which do nothing but make the actual polluters richer, and make suckers like you feel good. Great job! :clap:


Well-Known Member
I like how they explain away the fact their predictions haven't come about. "They seize on small errors and inconsequential factual inconsistencies in a piece of climate research and use it to discredit the science". See? Being factually wrong doesn't mean you're wrong, they're wrong to point it out.
still struggling with the meaning of "inconsequential"?

add that to the list along with "smoke alarm" and "fire extinguisher".


Well-Known Member
Haha! Globalization then contributes way more to "AGW" than anything else. Yet, why don't I hear you bitching about us not increasing tariffs to decrease imports over domestic production? There are currently 8 massive container ships which output the same pollution as 50 million cars. When the latest batch of these container ships which are already completed go into action, they will contribute another 29 billion cars of pollution. The current 90,000 regular sized container ships are equal to about 2 billion cars, the total cars worldwide is a little over 1 billion. Too bad if it is human activities, it's something a normal person has no control over and won't even be making a dent compared to globalization.

You're the "capitalist" and you hate being "John Galt." Well, bro, that's not me at all. Everything I buy is made in America. I eat only fruits and vegetables. If anyone is contributing to "AGW," it's you.

No amount of FCLs is going to offset that. You're delusional and these same companies polluting are the ones funding your hysteria. BP's biggest R&D right now is alternative energy. Your activism is the equivalent to Al Gore's carbon credits, which do nothing but make the actual polluters richer, and make suckers like you feel good. Great job! :clap:
nice rant, but you miss the fact that all i care about is mocking deniers rather than finding any solution to anything.


Well-Known Member
Then no one will take you seriously, even environmentalists like myself.
i don't care about being taken seriously, i only care about how much i can make deniers dig their heels in. it's funny to watch them pout that reality doesn't conform to the delusions they've carefully surrounded themselves with.
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