Due to how fucked the economy is, my last job made it impossible to pay tax, they couldn't afford to pay staff that much money. So because of that, I don't get a vote right? Despite contributing to society, simply not via taxes.
I've yet to read one credible argument for your proposals. You're making statements while completely ignoring reality.
So what is your threshold for being able to vote with regard to paying tax? Do they have to pay tax for the entire term, a month, their working life? What if the government fucks the economic recovery, and John is made redundant. He no longer pays tax so no longer has the ability to vote out the people who put him in his position. This sounds very much like a situation of creating a system where the rich help the rich, and the poor get poorer. Very much like today, only now its set in law. Unless you're a success, you have no legal ability to have a voice.
I don't often agree with bucky, but he hit the nail on the head with his above post.
You ever stop to consider the difference between an idea and the final implementation of that idea in terms of policy?
You know every piece of legislation is dozens of pages long.
I simply expressed a desire to have voting, or rather the prohibition of certain people from voting tied to their status as folks who contribute nothing, and in effect are a sponge on society.
If you dont agree with me, that is fine. But you act as if I presented some form of final legislation on the issue.
You say you are basically failing to agree with me bacuase I have given no threshold for who can, can't vote.
I think I pretty much said earlier the girl who works at the gas station can vote. Even though she herself might draw food stamps, and be on some form of assistance. The reason for this is because although her personal income is small, and she does get government benefits, her contribution to the gas station allows it to function, providing a service and a marketplace for the exchange of goods for money. She helps the economy.
I'm not here to write legislation. I simply put an idea out there, is existing for 18 years really the best determination for who we should permit to vote? I think not.
If you want to play a hypothetical gotcha game, then fuck off, that's not productive in any sense. If I attempted to put this in air tight form it would be a tl:dr post.
The entire point is this; should voting be earned some how, or is simply living for 18 years enough to earn the vote?
Whatever you think is fine, I think it should be earned, or conditioned somehow.