What's wrong with my plant?

Two plants, same strain, planted same time. One has been flowering for at least two weeks, the other is catching up now been in flower for a few days.

The plants both look really healthy, besides these two problems..

- 1. The first two pics are of a leaf on one of the plants. It is the only leaf on the plant that looks like this, everything else is very healthy. When I saw it and went to lift it to examine it immeditatly fell off the plant entirely, with its branch. Is this a problem or just the leave died because plant didn't have enough energy to support it?

- 2. The next few pictures after the first two are of the other plant. A few leaves maybe three or four only on the bottom part of the plant look like this. There turning like white, then to a brown. When I tried to lift one up to see it, it crumbled immediately into a bunch of tiny pieces like it was a fragile piece of glass. Does it look like there is something that is killing the plant from the bottom up. It's only happening to a few on the very bottom so is it a possible, maybe due to lack of light they're dying off?

(The very last two pictures are of the whole plants to get an idea of what they look like, 1st pic is of the one with the yellow dead leaf, 2nd pic is of the one with the leaves turning fragile white)

Any feedback/advice helps! If you think you know the cause of this please help me out!

Thanks for looking!


That first leaf looks like it symptoms of Ph fluctuations, and possibly magnesium. Your plant looks pretty healthy in those last pictures, so I would not worry about it too much.

*Check the ph of the runoff water if you keep loosing leaves*


Got some closer pics of the leaves on the 2nd plant. Took them off. It looks like they're deteriorating of some sort. What do you think the problem is?

