ok it seems like this is getting a little out of hand. i am only a minor and this is making me scared. these pictures i copied off the internet were fake. please don't cyberly hate me. i want to delete my account cause im scared of my mom using my computer. can someone tell me how to do this? i really need to get a real life cause this one sucks. no more acting like im a cool guy. im over it, and im ready to go to soccer practice now. how do i delete my account??
Dude, I hear ya! We all know that this was intentional & is total BS anyway

I'm sorry for freaking you out - didn't mean to do that - but it is as simple as editing your post or contacting a MOD and asking them to do it. No need to worry just fix it. BTW, deleting your account won't change anything, so just chill, fix it, & update us on the hypothetical AG progress. Peace

After re-reading your post, I realized that you were asking for an FYI on how to edit your post. At that moment, it came to me that I didn't know how to edit post myself lol...but I guess this is because I only have a couple of posts so far.
Anyway, not that this is the only or best way to do it, but this is what I found after playing around the last couple of minutes.
When I switched the 'mode' to hybrid (in the upper right hand corner under Display Modes), and clicked on this post, in the bottom of the frame of the post appeared an option to edit the post. Waaalaaa, 1st post successfully edited!!
Hope that helps. Peace

2nd edit:
ROFL at myself... I really don't think that the 'mode' has anything to do with it because I switched it back to the default Linear mode and it is there again. I just think I didn't notice it the 1st time. Annnyyyhoo, good luck fistraisedhigh.
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