Unfortunately the people who get hurt the most are the people who aren't in a position to do anything about it. This is a sad, sad country we live in, where fighting injustice requires capital beyond the scope of possibility for many. Innocent? oh, well ok that sounds good, we'll believe you as long as you have 20k to throw away for lawyer/court fees.
I see no reason to even bother with a card, its just another joke set in place to give us the illusion of enhanced freedom to use the medicine we choose to, why give up any slight bit of privacy that I do have left. I'm going to use it, and grow however much I need for myself no matter what some scum bag in a $5,000 suit tells me I can or can't do because he has a financial interest one way or the other.
The whole system is a bone on a rope.
I say we just fund a lobbying group for equally ridiculous things, such as limiting the number of cashews in planter's mixed nuts to 3 whole and 3 half cashews.
Yes, that's fucking stupid, so is a stranger telling me or my doctor to prove my needs for medication, in an effort only to push me to have to purchase it at already high prices with high taxes as well.
Proof for the need for the billions of dollars yearly spent on opiate painkillers that are passed out like candy by doctors please.
Grow on.
- Thay