Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I guess I should make a small batch first to see if I made it right. haha.

I want to make sticks of butter tho....

If you can start with kief then decarb that
you can simply melt the kief in the butter on low heat.

This could be cooked with or eaten on toast or whatever.

It would also taste better and be easier to
gauge how potent it actually is.

There is a great gummy Bear recipe on youtube.
finally beat The Witcher...80+ hours later....holy...fuck nuts....downloading The Witcher 2 now.
well i guess with the building aspect, but its very rough ...like really rough around the edges and the player base is kinda silly...and very ..uhm racey i suppose it has quite the gathering of followers...to me, it justs a social games and holds no real indepth video game experience. but thats just my opinion, play what makes you happy to be honest.
Some places were really well done like outer space or underwater.
Nothing to kill or anything.
Just swim around or fly in space and check stuff out.

I was a DJ with a big house and good girlfriend.
All that shit took up too much time.
Glad to be away from it.
Video games can help keep up mental agility. Newest Donkey Kong Country Wii remake is a real eye-hand coordination challenge. Did it high, couldn't pass the first set of levels.
Bored of people challenging my work ethics. I do it for money, fun and love come secondary. Naïve of anyone to think the job would be treated differently.

My main concern is always what my bosses think because they are the ones paying my prices. I continue my search to find other fast heavy yield strains! Commercial all the way!