you cant talk about GSC in cali w/out a cool nickname like swerve or jigga. if you got your gsc cut from a "john" or "ronald" its def fake.
who is pie guy? cause there are videos of him and swerve arguing online about GSC...i agree tho swerve is a trickster..jigga created it. swerve is a con artist. big difference. buy some of swerves gsc and grow it. look how it doesnt even resemble gsc yet ppl will argue to the death that they got real deal from swerve lol. truth is nobody ever wil be able to re create a poly hybrid phenotype like thin mint. theres dozens of bag seeds that are close. thats what most ppl who think they are cool actually grow
who is pie guy? cause there are videos of him and swerve arguing online about GSC...i agree tho swerve is a trickster..
pieguy = ken
ken + jigga + hippie = cookie fam at the time none of them but pieguy had social media and the only reason cookie fam came out publically was because swerve and everyone else getting rich claiming to be the creators of their work.
Ya, Cali con sucks dick. But Tahoe was one of the best OG's ever. It's kinda like how Lucas fucked up starwars... Cc had potential till swerve shit all over his company by being an dick. Fuck him. I have a pack of Tahoe... If I ever run them y'all will have Tahoe f2's for life, and we already have femd of that line too in packs already...
i love OG never had or grown love to know what all the hypes is about, if you know what im sayin
Tahoe fuel taste?