Where you at rep wise?

I finished the last of my flower last night unless I dig into the stuff I just harvested. Thankfully I've got lots of qwiso so I can let the fresh stuff cure! Hope everyones having a great morning!
I love some extra sharp chedder, but I can also enjoy a well prepared soft cheese. I have never and hope to never eat aerosal cheese.
Ill never understand cheese whiz on a philly. Ruins the whole thing. Aerosal cheese? Forget it, I knew as a child it was wrong
Provolone for me...

I hate Sysco subs. Just order all the ingrediants from them and blah. I found a small place that has hot crushed peppers and some homemade bread. I run with moz. hold the shrooms, mayo on one side of the bun and toasted. I always tip my people at that shop for my pain in the ass order lol
Cambozola is my favorite, followed closely by smoked gouda.

Fuck, there's like 1000000 cheeses I like, Roquefort, gruyere, emmental... too many to list....
Cambozola is my favorite, followed closely by smoked gouda.

Fuck, there's like 1000000 cheeses I like, Roquefort, gruyere, emmental... too many to list....
Oh provolone isnt my favorite cheese, it's my favorite for a philly cheesesteak

I really love Manchego...
Emmental and gruyere both work for french onion soup.... ;)

Well, I live in a fairly small community with two grocery stores - the world is about 300 miles away and Gruyere is available.
Never heard of Emmental - I shall look that up.
Can you give me your feel on G versus E - taste/consistency wise ?
Well, I live in a fairly small community with two grocery stores - the world is about 300 miles away and Gruyere is available.
Never heard of Emmental - I shall look that up.
Can you give me your feel on G versus E - taste/consistency wise ?

Emmental is also known just as 'swiss cheese', although it's made in Switzerland, France, Finland, and a few other countries...... lol

They're both hard cheeses, I find emmetal has a little more of that bitter 'bite' to it than gruyere. Both Cheeses originated in Switzerland though...