And I'm not talking about minorities or women.
When this country was founded it had a radical idea, all free white men over the age of 25 that owned property could vote.
Sounds oppressive today, but it really was earth shattering in the 18th century.
Would we not be better off to move back more towards that than the at present requirement of surviving for 18 years?
I would like to see all persons over the age of 21 who own property, or pay taxes, and don't receive any "means tested" government hand out (food stamp, welfare, ect...) be the only group that can vote.
Male felame, white black red blown, Christian jew Muslim.
But those three requirements, over 21, and own property or pay taxes, and no hand outs.
Reason, more mature for 21.
And have some skin in tha game, for the property or taxes. I was recently on food stamps, I shouldn't have a say in the system, to keep me from voting for a guy that just promised to give me more stuff.
What say you? Is simply existing enough for the privilege of voting?
When this country was founded it had a radical idea, all free white men over the age of 25 that owned property could vote.
Sounds oppressive today, but it really was earth shattering in the 18th century.
Would we not be better off to move back more towards that than the at present requirement of surviving for 18 years?
I would like to see all persons over the age of 21 who own property, or pay taxes, and don't receive any "means tested" government hand out (food stamp, welfare, ect...) be the only group that can vote.
Male felame, white black red blown, Christian jew Muslim.
But those three requirements, over 21, and own property or pay taxes, and no hand outs.
Reason, more mature for 21.
And have some skin in tha game, for the property or taxes. I was recently on food stamps, I shouldn't have a say in the system, to keep me from voting for a guy that just promised to give me more stuff.
What say you? Is simply existing enough for the privilege of voting?