Questions about nutrients! 11 days into flower.


Alright, so I'm 11 days into flowering and I was wondering if its too late to start using nutrients. I've been using fox farms ocean forest soil all the way through (1 transplant into current 1 gal pot) and the plant seems very healthy. If it not too late...what would be suggested as far as nutes go?? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Here are a few pics. Thanks!

Im also using fox farm ocean forest, and i run the fox farm soil trio nutes. (Big bloom, grow big, tiger bloom) The soil has enough nutes in it to take care of the plant for about a month, sometimes longer. Depending how long you kept your plants in veg, you can start using nutes. Follow the schedule but start of at a very diluted watered down dose of nutes. Never use the amount it says on the schedule, I would start with like 1/4th of the dose the schedule calls for. But really what I do is i wait for my plants to tell my they need the nutes, before i start feeding them. If there still using the nutes in the soil, you don't want to over feed them and have that result in a nute burn.


It's actually my first grow so I just did 12/12 from seed. Wanted to feel it out for the first grow and keep it simple. It popped through the soil on 2/5 and transplanted it into new ffof on 3/2. So maybe it'll have till the first week of April until I need some bloom nutes? How much more yield can nutes give? Or is it more for the general health of the plant?
It's actually my first grow so I just did 12/12 from seed. Wanted to feel it out for the first grow and keep it simple. It popped through the soil on 2/5 and transplanted it into new ffof on 3/2. So maybe it'll have till the first week of April until I need some bloom nutes? How much more yield can nutes give? Or is it more for the general health of the plant?
It's for both, or either or. it depends. sometimes a plant will let you know she's hungry and you need to feed her, other times people just keep them on a steady nute diet so they don't have to wait for the plant to tell them.
Actually when in flower you want to slightly burn them then back off. Its the only way to get the most weight and know they are fed properly. Start out slow and up it till you see SLIGHT burn signs. Depending on your light the plant will use more or less food to produce the buds. A popular misconception is that the bottom leaves will yellow near the end of flower. This is false. What f they are fed properly they will not yellow much if at all. The benefits of hitting g the right amount of food greatly outweigh the downside of a slight nute burn. Its a touchy subject and im sure ill hear it from this but do a song de by side test on clones before jumping my shit. I helped a friend do the same test the one that was d d right yielded over an ounce more and was under a six just like the other. Nothing was different but amount of nutes. The second subject with higher yeild also did t have a single yellow leave as the first had about six bottom leaves yellow. Its all preference but to f you feed them right you wont be dissappointed