your thoughts on today's court case(federal)

Thats why people should have the right to choose to Prevent illness..and just like we have a right to ingest cannabis in its purest forms to create less burning it in plant form.
I have a client with breast cancer..her mom died from breast her 15 year old daughter wants to use cannabis to prevent breast cancer? if she does then doesnt anyone have that right?...Right ;) This has already been established in cases mentioned in Parker..along with not being threatened with arrest..hc said if we didnt write a letter saying we destroyed..then they would have our personal info to police..still want to be part of the MMAR?? lol
I was sorry I signed up when I did....I was in the couple week period where this was all hush hush...
except for those in the know....
I would have saved my self a whole lot of staying in the BM....but that had its risky side too....
with some untrust-worthy dealers...willing to do somewhat unspeakable acts...of greed....
I have a client with breast cancer..her mom died from breast her 15 year old daughter wants to use cannabis to prevent breast cancer?

A friend of mine 'had' stage 4 breast cancer. They told her that even with Chemo. radiation and surgery that they could not help her.
She is cancer free today. She did not take chemo or radiation but she did have surgery to remove tumor that was shrunk from 4 inches to less than 1/2 cm. They still wanted to do chemo and said there is no reason as to why she is still live. She had to go out of town to have it removed because ALL the cancer clinics in Toronto would not touch her with out doing chemo first. Not fucken likely.
Myself, I had stage 4 recurrent colon cancer with metastasis.
I am cancer free today.


smoking it won't help her but ingesting a maintenance dose might. There's no effect and it's taken at night before bed. :) for life!
Thanks gb123 you inspired me to tell some my story... When I was 8 my mom took me to the doctor because my leg hurt and I wouldn't walk.... The doctor told her it was growing pains... Sent me home this went on for about 6 months of in and out of hospitals and specialists offices.... They did not know what was happening so they told my parents I was lieing.. Another month went by... by now i was in so much pain I didn't move or eat... Finally one doctor started doing research and found out I had a bone eating virus I contracted from a sliver in my foot... By now the damage was done I had a hole In my left themear bone the size of a loonie and 5 inches long.. They were talking amputation because of ignerance. I told them no and took on the battle at 8 years old of pain, physio, and medication to save my leg... And now fro this event I have been diagnosed with terible anxiety and high cycling by polor disorder... The prescription drugs doctors prescribed me for this made me unable to function.... Causing me to lose my $130,000 a year salary due to the fact I couldn't get of the couch due to side effects... Then depression took hold and I didn't leave my house for a year and the doc were now saying my last chance was a mini seizure induced by electricity... What a bunch of bs... This is when I took my health into my own hands and began researching everything about canabis ever since.. I do not want pity.... I just want to make sure this never happens to anyone again... Peace grow strong everyone
You name it I have tried it... Lithium everything...I think it was 35 or so perscription drugs... With side effects from stomach problems to wanting to kill myself... I actually considered the electrolysis.. Until I talked to one of my good friends who is a neuroscientist at a university Who told me to try jucinig cannabis... She suffers from depression and anxiety and she would never put any perscription for anti depressants/anti anxiety in her body..she uses cannabis. Due to research she has done.. She is actually trying to cure strokes right now. Anyway she was the one that told me about juicing ... Peace keep fighting for our rights grow strong
how does one go about finding info on how to juice and etc? I've never tried this before but kinda curious about trying it, especially since I usually just toss my leaf and etc anyway. Plus I'd like to see how it would affect my patient who has MS.
Well boys I'll give ya everything I know about it if you start a thread.. Knowledge is power.. Sorry again raider for my outrage and ignerance... does anyone know high times Canada's email??? Thanks again everyone.. Peace grow strong
Well boys I'll give ya everything I know about it if you start a thread.. Knowledge is power.. Sorry again raider for my outrage and ignerance... does anyone know high times Canada's email??? Thanks again everyone.. Peace grow strong

Thread started and no worries GR, water under the bridge brother.
sad they give you drugs to keep you from killing yourself that actually make you dwell on it and make things worse. Nasty shit them mind fuck drugs are. They don't tell you that if you take them longer than 4 weeks getting off of them might be hard and you could be on them for the rest of your life. Like thousands are.
they had me on 12 percacets a day every day plus demeral that is not a life I now take nothing but pot. on the perc's I actually tried to kill myself but they got me to the hospital on time if I had to go back to the chemical pills I would choose death period. not to worry fellow patients I will never go back to the pills no matter what.
they had me on 12 percacets a day every day plus demeral that is not a life I now take nothing but pot. on the perc's I actually tried to kill myself but they got me to the hospital on time if I had to go back to the chemical pills I would choose death period. not to worry fellow patients I will never go back to the pills no matter what.

I am in complete agreement with you. By the time I am done, I will be 2 years coming of a huge dose of morphine and I can't wait to be done with this shit for good. I only use my mj otherwise.
MJ is all we need even my doctors told me that if I took their meds the way they were perscribed I had 3 to 5 years to live I stopped them all and here I am 12 years later and I have a life with 6 8 and 10 year old sons and a grandson just born 10 minutes ago by my 30 year old daughter life is now good.