Doc Weedlaw
Thats why people should have the right to choose to Prevent illness..and just like we have a right to ingest cannabis in its purest forms to create less burning it in plant form.
I have a client with breast cancer..her mom died from breast her 15 year old daughter wants to use cannabis to prevent breast cancer?
make a topic raider , cause I have heard about it but don't know shit either
Well boys I'll give ya everything I know about it if you start a thread.. Knowledge is power.. Sorry again raider for my outrage and ignerance... does anyone know high times Canada's email??? Thanks again everyone.. Peace grow strong
they had me on 12 percacets a day every day plus demeral that is not a life I now take nothing but pot. on the perc's I actually tried to kill myself but they got me to the hospital on time if I had to go back to the chemical pills I would choose death period. not to worry fellow patients I will never go back to the pills no matter what.