Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
He would call ya a racist and a bigot.
Because that is all he has.
Yeppers. What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
He would call ya a racist and a bigot.
Because that is all he has.
Observe the ease with which the ever desperate Uncle Buck labels an eminently successful black male with the pejorative "thug"!
As all regular readers of these political threads can see and understand...Buck has labeled this brilliant man as a "thug" in order to marginalize and minimize the clear and obvious threat Dr. Carson poses to the basic validity of the misguided and specious notions of reality which dance around in his precious little Buck brain.
Dr. Carson is a threat to Buck’s make believe world of liberal fantasies.
How do any of the dear readers of these threads think Buck would react to the labeling of B. Obama as a “Choom Gangster”??
See what I mean?
ben carson tried to smash his momma's head with a hammer, actually did inflict a serious head injury on his classmate, tried to stab someone else, had a hair trigger temper and was not afraid to get violent about the least of things.
that's a fucking THUG right there.
but my favorite part was when this inner city detroit product of affirmative action and welfare really showed off his steaming pile of intellect by comparing insurance reform to slavery. that was a good one that really lets ya know what kind of a low intelligence moron this THUG is.
i'm glad you guys support this THUG and not me.
Buck why do you refuse to recognize the present.
Hint; the past is the past. Redemption is a real word with a real meaning.
A life's work should mean something.
Desperation does not become you.
You are prone to histrionic fits of sheer idiocy.
that's ironic coming from the guy who is quite literally calling me a NAZI for recognizing that human activities are contributing to the increase in global temperatures.
ben carson is a FUCKING THUG. a welfare baby, affirmative action product, inner city detroit THUG.
that's 100% indisputable FACT.
The man rose above the issues he had by being raised by an illiterate single mother. He is now a world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon and professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery and pediatrics and he was the director of pedi neurosurgery and John Hopkins.
If that is a thug to you then something is wrong in your head.
You are still a racist.
Same old shit....just a different day.
Same old shit....just a different day.
That would seem obvious, you are still unwilling to come out and actually engage in conversation about your little chainmail bombs.
Wavel, it seems that the past is the past doesn't apply to Obama and his "past" associations. Why is that?
Wavel, it seems that the past is the past doesn't apply to Obama and his "past" associations. Why is that?
I have no earthly idea of what you are asking me.
Admittedly, I have been hitting my pipe and gleefully turning my brains to cheese and tripe...but I have no idea of what you are asking.
Please give me another chance.
You are a thoughtful and serious poster and I will do my best to reply in kind.
Wow I hate Glenn Beck like poison, and I do not visit wordnetdaily.
Believe it or not, as it is of zero consequence.
I await a grownups clarification of his query.
Run along little ones...
Wow I hate Glenn Beck like poison, and I do not visit wordnetdaily.
Believe it or not, as it is of zero consequence.
I await a grownups clarification of his query.
Run along little ones...
i've said it before and i'll say it again: you righties don't need to play dumb. it's redundant.
here you are talking about his associations with bill ayers or jeremiah wright: https://www.rollitup.org/politics/301180-i-teenage-president.html#post3766931
(well, not you. like always, you just copied and pasted since your head is so devoid of original thought)
here you are again, copying and pasting (because you are too dumb to do otherwise) about wright: https://www.rollitup.org/politics/753513-celebrating-lincolns-address.html#post9849024
i'm sure a little more digging would find plenty more copy and pastes about the president's past, no doubt.
My query? Obama was labeled a "terrorist" because one of his aquantances was, long ago in HIS past, a bomber - SDS? or was the the Weather Underground? Obama was labeled a white hater because, in the past, he went to a church where a certain reverend Wright called fire and brimstone upon white people. Those things were "in the past" as well. Now I have never seen you condemn Obama using his "past" affilitations and my post is presupposing but.... are all folks mistakes in their pasts or just some?
I am waiting for my question regarding my use of the Tyrannical dictator designation in the other thread.
And Buck you are the search master of supreme skills
Oh well, you got me. Ouch.
However, in your utter and sheer display of hysterical desperation, you fail to recognize the bare and simple fact that Obama now has a record and history in office. These are the grounds upon which I now criticize him.
Dr. Carson has never held elected office.
He was busy saving lives.
What did Obama do in his past again?
Remind me please?
See the difference?