How long to rebound?


Well-Known Member
Fuck. They haven't shown flower signs yet and I am hoping they might not auto... either which way I just stuck another bean in germinate... this one will be grown inside the whole time... one left for outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Bad cube, it was a cloning cube I had used before. When I pulled the cube apart there were BARELY any roots they were very basic roots, it was obvious the plant couldn't root inside of the rockwhool.

The soil mix is just some normal potting soil from the dollar general.... it doesn't turn to mud or anything seems good and I have used it for all my gardening in the past....
the roots will grow straight out of the rockwool, unless your growing in large amount of rockwool (slabs)
the roots do not need to grow inside as you say
i wouldn't re-use rockwool cubes but there is no reason why you couldn't if you clean them up a bit and remove any dead roots


Well-Known Member
That is theoretically true but in my experience it isn't required. I've germinated so many seeds in rockwool with tap water or distilled non pH'd. I think many of the problems that people have are because they themselves are causing the issues. Either by being impatient or generally doing something wrong like soaking the cube and the seed drowning. It doesn't take much water to start the germinating process.
totally agree, i would say its a grow book myth propagated by soil growers of all things for the most part
then you got all the pre-soak/conditioning potions they sell at the hydro shop lol
its no wonder newbies get confused

rockwool works fine
just get it wet ..
i only use rockwool cubes to give my plants something to keep them upright the bulk of the roots grow in the nft channel

folk who grow in large amounts of rockwool, dripper/emitter systems
or passive rockwool growers might have to make some adjustments since
they are using such a large volume of the medium which could have an effect
on changing the ph of the res/watering solution
a few 1 or 3 inch blocks is not going to cause any problems



Well-Known Member
Rockwool strikes again! Probably not a bad cube, those things are just tough to get the hang of. Once you do they are apparently great but the finess has always eluded me.

Great growing medium with some practice, but I think the margin for error is so slim I always steer people away from them, especially when rapid rooters, root riots, regualr starting soil and even jiffy pellets seam to give more people more success. The forums are filled with people killing seedings or not being able to germinate seeds in them. Not saying they are bad, just hard to master.

I've used rockwool cubes with success and never had an issue NOT pre-treating them or soaking them. I just ph my water I give them to 5.5-6.0


Well-Known Member
Rockwool strikes again! Probably not a bad cube, those things are just tough to get the hang of. Once you do they are apparently great but the finess has always eluded me.

Great growing medium with some practice, but I think the margin for error is so slim I always steer people away from them, especially when rapid rooters, root riots, regualr starting soil and even jiffy pellets seam to give more people more success. The forums are filled with people killing seedings or not being able to germinate seeds in them. Not saying they are bad, just hard to master.

I've used rockwool cubes with success and never had an issue NOT pre-treating them or soaking them. I just ph my water I give them to 5.5-6.0
How hard is it to wet the cube, put a seed in it and wait? It's literally that simple. I just did that 3 days ago and the seed has already sprouted. If you fuck up germinating in rockwool you must not be the brightest crayon in the box.


Well-Known Member
I have been using them for 20 years without any problems
you make the cubes wet with tap water
put a seed or cutting in the cube
don't let them dry out its really that simple

i agree there are people with problems i have seen them complaining
people thinking paper towels are better for the job than something that has been specifically designed for it
beats me why some folk have issues with rockwool .. maybe these folk are a bit dim