The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Hey chaps.

Not going to be on nearly as much for a bit. Got a few things going on with family, old man not too good, and he's back in wales, im miles away. and trying to cut right back on the smoking.

At the minute I'm still on doobs with very very little baccy and considering letting myself run out of smoke by next week. Mine not even flipped yet so be a looooong ass wait.

Hope your al well and good. Still got those fucking beans for Shawn, asume you dont need em anymore. Sorry man epic fail on my part.

Here a little prgress anyway, will get em in new shoes for a week then flip I reckon, wouldnt mind 2 or 3's per.



Well-Known Member
hi all sorry for the long disapearing act , my internet got cut off n i couldnt afford to get it put back on :(
hash plant n firestarter in flower at min , just setting up my new perpetual grow , at least 1 plant chopped ever 2 - 3 week , more likely 2 plants every 3 week with the odd one ready in between :) going to start blasting through these seeds :)

Welshwizzard ... i never got any pm's from you man lol

few bits to knock out if anyone wants...

sambo changed his number ? been trying to get hold of him for awhile ...


Well-Known Member
hi all sorry for the long disapearing act , my internet got cut off n i couldnt afford to get it put back on :(
hash plant n firestarter in flower at min , just setting up my new perpetual grow , at least 1 plant chopped ever 2 - 3 week , more likely 2 plants every 3 week with the odd one ready in between :) going to start blasting through these seeds :)

Welshwizzard ... i never got any pm's from you man lol

few bits to knock out if anyone wants...

sambo changed his number ? been trying to get hold of him for awhile ...

I tried but it said you needed to get rid of some messages or some shit...


Well-Known Member
hi all sorry for the long disapearing act , my internet got cut off n i couldnt afford to get it put back on :(
hash plant n firestarter in flower at min , just setting up my new perpetual grow , at least 1 plant chopped ever 2 - 3 week , more likely 2 plants every 3 week with the odd one ready in between :) going to start blasting through these seeds :)

Welshwizzard ... i never got any pm's from you man lol

few bits to knock out if anyone wants...

sambo changed his number ? been trying to get hold of him for awhile ...
I know gary was looking mate


Well-Known Member
no worries lad .. :)
Fuck me gaz , hit me up on pm next time , id of done a full one for 40 notes more than that !!


Well-Known Member
sorry rob aint been blanking ya mate, last night i was helping to trim for a friend, the other night kids where still running riot, ill txt ya that addy now geezer n bell you later.


Well-Known Member
sorry rob aint been blanking ya mate, last night i was helping to trim for a friend, the other night kids where still running riot, ill txt ya that addy now geezer n bell you later.
no worries mate , was starting to get abit worried lol


Well-Known Member
afternoon, 2 livers and exo going in flower at the othe rplace tomoz, looking real healthy, mine, well ther etting better.
u know,was gunner say summert but totally forgot, fo fuksake
was at qwaks tody for breathing tests, turns out i got the lungs of a 65 yr old and asma, lol, wtf gets better and better.

clones 3 days in now, all still stood up and green as ,, first time tehy been hecked was today, opneed a vent a little bit and ther on 18-6, hopfully theyl all root,


Well-Known Member
also, just checked my percy livers and exo that loked fucked, seems ther greening bak up now im using that tormorite stuff with calmag and seaweed innit, bit happier now,


Well-Known Member
Easy ice soz about the delay like... busy as fuck mate I take it fairy landed sound? All me babies look lovely man proper lush clones still have no roots but we got swelling so their a comin...I'll have to chuck u a cut of this mystery strain she's a stinker man


Well-Known Member
Here's that chick from the LSD sex session......

View attachment 3034200

I've a few claims on that lass.

First time she ever took coke was with me.
First time she ever took acid was with me.
First time she ever fucked on E' was with me.
First time she ever fucked on acid was with me.
First time she ever had her back doors smashed in while on drugs was by me.

I went through my ecstasy honeymoon with that girl, the one that got away. lol
Who's the black bloke sat next to her ?


Well-Known Member
Hey chaps.

Not going to be on nearly as much for a bit. Got a few things going on with family, old man not too good, and he's back in wales, im miles away. and trying to cut right back on the smoking.

At the minute I'm still on doobs with very very little baccy and considering letting myself run out of smoke by next week. Mine not even flipped yet so be a looooong ass wait.

Hope your al well and good. Still got those fucking beans for Shawn, asume you dont need em anymore. Sorry man epic fail on my part.

Here a little prgress anyway, will get em in new shoes for a week then flip I reckon, wouldnt mind 2 or 3's per.

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Hey man no probs at all mate hope ya old mans ok gotta put your family first aint ya man...ya plants are looking a lot better since the last pics I saw nice1


Well-Known Member
Easy ice soz about the delay like... busy as fuck mate I take it fairy landed sound? All me babies look lovely man proper lush clones still have no roots but we got swelling so their a comin...I'll have to chuck u a cut of this mystery strain she's a stinker man

saaand man, mine are 3 days in, didnt lok or touch em for 3 days under 24/7 blue spec cfl but with a shade coz was a beast of bulb,

so yeh same deal mate il hook u up with sum livers if they root, got nr 40 of livers ande xo so should be sound lol

be floweirng the purp come wekend under a 250 on its own, and get sum 12-12 from seed cracking and should be able o go purp with 2 tents and veg box at other gaff, just gorra stop bin lazy

yeh fairy landed

@baz that black bloke IS yman.lmao


Well-Known Member
hows we all doing then peeps?

not much going on here, helped a mate trim a shitload of exo last night he lollypopped em to shit and is running a simple dripper system with coco fuck me they where some monster exo buds, biggest ive seen and i taught the fucker to grow, n gave him the strain lolol had a good ol snifferoo whilst trimming aswel part of my trimming package lol keep me supplied with gear n i just get faster lol

apart from that and the everyday grind of life, completed me first comp game in years n years the other day dead island riptide fucking qaulity game and theres me thinking id got too old for gaming, see a ps4 in a secondhand shop today £360 first ive seen there, someone got skint or didnt like it much lol i wouldnt mind one meself tbh.


Well-Known Member
Lads I'm really not looking forward to trimming with all the negative feedback... That's a pretty sweet package rambo lol.the ps4 was probably liberated by some smack head lol. Bought a 8th there (3gs) or 50 bag or whatever they wanna call it all I know is I'm paying 50 euro for 3 vapes haha


Well-Known Member
Lads I'm really not looking forward to trimming with all the negative feedback... That's a pretty sweet package rambo lol.the ps4 was probably liberated by some smack head lol. Bought a 8th there (3gs) or 50 bag or whatever they wanna call it all I know is I'm paying 50 euro for 3 vapes haha
hes me pal relax n he dont forget i taught him so gets out the gooooood shit too, but the proper gear u really carnt do that much of it well not too quickly anyway lol we prob only sniffed a g barely, rule is 2 plants trimmed then a break for 2 lines n a fag lmao

your most prob right there mate, was stolen but then again this is a chain of secondhand shops in a big shopping centre u gotta have plenty of id to sell it.