Airplanes don't just fall out of the sky

now that this has become a "search and recover debris" mission..assuming the cockpit crew was responsible, what was their message? how easy it would be for pilots to steal a plane full of people in the middle of the night? surely there must be a lesson here..assuming they were's hard to believe they would take others' lives like that..this would be dharma at it's worst.

As far as I'm aware both pilot's were muslim.
And no doubt there were other Muslim's on the plane.

I don't see the connect ?

Well, muslims have shown no qualms about taking the lives of people of other faith. And if killing a few christians or Jews requires a few fellow Muslims sacrifice their lives, both unknowingly and unwillingly, then so be it, after all it is for the glory of Muhammad.
Well, muslims have shown no qualms about taking the lives of people of other faith. And if killing a few christians or Jews requires a few fellow Muslims sacrifice their lives, both unknowingly and unwillingly, then so be it, after all it is for the glory of Muhammad.

The cause of this tragedy is still an unknown.
It's too early for finger pointing.
now that this has become a "search and recover debris" mission..assuming the cockpit crew was responsible, what was their message? how easy it would be for pilots to steal a plane full of people in the middle of the night? surely there must be a lesson here..assuming they were's hard to believe they would take others' lives like that..this would be dharma at it's worst.

I am still not believing it. I need to see some wreckage. These are Muslims. Malaysia is mostly muslim. Buddhists don't murder, as a rule of thumb. Where did you come up with Buddhist? They have a big Sunni Jihad problem they are trying to link up with China's Sunni Jihad problem. Abu Sief is the Al Q affiliate of the region.

The Sunni Islam of the Shafi'i school of thought is the official, and legal form in Malaysia, although syncretist Islam with elements of Shamanism is still common in rural areas. Mosques are an ordinary scene throughout the country and adhan (call to prayer) from minarets are heard five times a day. Government bodies and banking institutions are closed for two hours every Friday so Muslim workers can conduct Friday prayer in mosques. However, in certain states such as Kelantan and Terengganu the weekends fall on Friday and Saturday instead of Saturday and Sunday. The Malaysian authorities have strict policies against other Islamic sects including Shia Islam.[SUP][13][/SUP] Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has faced persecution in Malaysia.[SUP][14][/SUP] A notable sect that has been outlawed is Al-Arqam.[SUP][15][/SUP]

Muslims who reject the authority of hadith, known as Quranists, Quraniyoon, or Ahl al-Quran, are also present in Malaysia. The most notable Malaysian Quranist is the scholar Kassim Ahmad.[SUP][16][/SUP]

Parallel to the civil courts, there are Sharia courts which conduct legal matters related to Muslim family sphere. Legal issues like Muslim divorce and Muslim apostasy are conducted in the Syariah Courts. However, there are cases whereby apostasy cases are tried in the Federal Courts. Non-Muslims are not bound by Shariah.
muslim? i didn't check..most of asia tends to be buddhist, hindu etc.

still interesting though..all of that for perhaps a few americans and jews?..i don't buy that, either.

maybe the message is "there will always be a way to terrorize"?
Here is a good one. Although there are Chinese and Indian, their birth rates are declining and the Malay is the dominate culture.

Their language, Malay (Bahasa Malaysia), is the national language of the country.[SUP][27][/SUP] Citizens of Minangkabau, Bugis or Javanese origins, who can be classified "Malay" under constitutional definitions may also speak their respective ancestral tongues. However, English is also widely spoken in major towns and cities across the country. Malays from different states in Malaysia carry distinct dialects that can sometimes be unintelligible to most of their fellow countrymen. By definition of the Malaysian constitution, all Malays are Muslims.
Well, in my estimation, by far and away the most interesting and remarkable aspect of this entire "MISSING PLANE" story-line , was the out of control, wall to wall speculation, by the assorted talking heads on TV!

muslim? i didn't check..most of asia tends to be buddhist, hindu etc.

still interesting though..all of that for perhaps a few americans and jews?..i don't buy that, either.

maybe the message is "there will always be a way to terrorize"?

No. The only people to piss off Buddists into murder is Sunni Jihad. And SJ did that on purpose, just like they piss off Christian and Jews on purpose.

So, dear Sky. Asia has a Sunni Jihad problem. They go after Hindus, Christians, Jews, Sikh, (big time), and now the Buddhists
Do you remember when the Taliban dynamited a 2000 year old Colossus of Buddha, carved into a mountain side?


When you piss off the un-piss-able, all hell breaks loose.

Well, the press wants to say Jihad is moderate. That is just more lies of Jihad, They have us sourranded. Are very militant and go after our allies and the other religions. Meanwhile the cow crane US press whistles past the grave year in the Rodney King sing along.

Get along? Jihad wants to kill you. And the Malay govt, knows that plane went north, I bet. The Military cadres are muslim. And they are tap dancing covering up, Sky. How do I know.

If a bomber sized plane goes over a defense radar, fighters are sent up. We know when that happens. No defense alert means the Military was in on it.

And if you don't realize that Sunni Jihad wants all China, all Russia, and all the USA, you are sadly mistaken. Only a Sunni world is allowed by Allah.

And because of that, they may have it all one day. Jihad loves to be underestimated. That is what inner Jihad means.
No. The only people to piss off Buddists into murder is Sunni Jihad. And SJ did that on purpose, just like they piss off Christian and Jews on purpose.

So, dear Sky. Asia has a Sunni Jihad problem. They go after Hindus, Christians, Jews, Sikh, (big time), and now the Buddhists
Do you remember when the Taliban dynamited a 2000 year old Colossus of Buddha, carved into a mountain side?


When you piss off the un-piss-able, all hell breaks loose.

Well, the press wants to say Jihad is moderate. That is just more lies of Jihad, They have us sourranded. Are very militant and go after our allies and the other religions. Meanwhile the cow crane US press whistles past the grave year in the Rodney King sing along.

Get along? Jihad wants to kill you. And the Malay govt, knows that plane went north, I bet. The Military cadres are muslim. And they are tap dancing covering up, Sky. How do I know.

If a bomber sized plane goes over a defense radar, fighters are sent up. We know when that happens. No defense alert means the Military was in on it.

And if you don't realize that Sunni Jihad wants all China, all Russia, and all the USA, you are sadly mistaken. Only a Sunni world is allowed by Allah.

And because of that, they may have it all one day. Jihad loves to be underestimated. That is what inner Jihad means.

I do not disagree with the basic gist of Doer's post.
However, I have yet to be made aware of any connection to these evil and dastardly religiously maniacal lunatics.
This is not to say that the connection does not exist.
Time will tell.
No, I am not saying anything like that. It is not consequnce to Jihad at present. But, to see, what looks for all the world, to be a big Chinese or Russian bomber or refueler, in their airspace, with no transponder on, is what those defense radars are for.

So, they see it and say nothing for a long time. Tell me what that means. No one knows....but I can Guess.

So, if there is debris. Will that be a cover up? Seems so. They have looked everywhere for debris, except off Thailand who also said, days later they spotted the trace on northern time line, but outside their Defense Zone. And then backpedaled on that...or the USA Press in war time did.
when one groups belief system is extermination of those who do not believe..then wouldn't it be right and just, exterminating them for the good of the world?

no group has the right to make others believe in something they wish not in the name of god..any god, no matter what you call him.

jihadists have distorted the quran and it's teachings..muslims like buddhists are supposed to live in peace.

jihadists are not moderate in any way, shape or form.
I think not. Wholesale killing is never the answer, except for the mob. Who is them? WHICH ARE THE JIHAD? They swim and are protected in the sea of their war cult, and the war cult hides in the religion. Oil money is the fuel. A Non-secular world, back step, is first on the list. If we are only warring Religious States it doesn't matter, if Islam is not on top yet. They can never be on top if self rule is allowed. People are not always that stupid.

A stalemate right now. If not for the discovery of oil in the Mid-east. Jihad would be over.