Well-Known Member
GASP!! NO!!! Not Barack "You can keep your doctor" ObamaWow where have you been. Obama has changed about a zillion times the last 10 years. Unless of course you think he was just lying to manipulate and deceive voters.
GASP!! NO!!! Not Barack "You can keep your doctor" ObamaWow where have you been. Obama has changed about a zillion times the last 10 years. Unless of course you think he was just lying to manipulate and deceive voters.
Would it help if we used monosyllabic words? Ooops! Sorry! Would it help if we didn't use big words?You bore me
How can that state not intervene in mass slaughter? It's not the woman's body that is being killed. Abortion not only is the last resort, it is the ONLY resort in most cases. It IS used as birth control. It boils down to this: If you are pro-abortion as practiced , you hold the life of a full term baby actually emerging from the womb to be of less value than your access to easy, irresponsible sex.1) I agree, the state can't justify it 2) It's not the males body. I think 1) comes into play in this question, how can a man, just like the state, justify forcing a woman to carry a fetus she doesn't want to term? 3) I disagree, abortion is a last resort, not a form of birth control. I'm all for male birth control
Free Speech Zone when disagreeing with Republicans Conservatives and Libertarians:
Your Free Speech Zone when disagreeing with leftists progressives and liberals:
WTF is a godamned "Free Speech Zone"?
Would it help if we used monosyllabic words? Ooops! Sorry! Would it help if we didn't use big words?
There is a, "can't sock me in the jaw with that hay-maker" zone. The right arm is higher and his stance, already well inside, just rotates more clockwise and outside the other arm also. Too cross stance, for the other move... which is step right and forearms guide the submarine attack to the left. Or he could have been paying better attention, in general.
I watched it over and over, like a game tape. It is perfect, guard your face, 101. The only take away?
Why did he drop his hands and try to push the yuki back?
In this case, where are the yuki's (attacker) hands?
I don't see any of that homophobia that Buckhead claims is in the link. Nor do I see the hate you claim is there. This is why you weren't invited. YOU ARE LIARS
This is why you weren't invited. YOU ARE LIARS
It IS used as birth control.
Update racist feminist porn professor formally charged with
In other news Drj20 farther legitimizes the need to cut funding to
liberal universities that teach worthless drivel
You come to a politics forum and bitch because people are discussing politics. I thought you were a fool, you now have removed any doubt
Crowder was being super polite imho, he could have dropped that moron in one shot. iirc THAT particular union thug had already crossed the boundaries a time or two already attempting to bring the tent down on the occupants, including women and children.
Doer, No shit? I'm Buddhist. The point is if you believe in the Draconians are our overlords, that's cool. But the Brahmin Aryan Draconian overlords go to jail for the same symbol. It's thousands of years old and some dead lone wolf German has so much power over you. Very pathetic. Do you even do visualization meditation? With how much you get butt hurt over white folk, my guess is no. Or else you're doing it wrong.
Free Speech Zone when disagreeing with Republicans Conservatives and Libertarians:
Your Free Speech Zone when disagreeing with leftists progressives and liberals:
WTF is a godamned "Free Speech Zone"?
Well, who has to be so polite as to fall for it and fall into the fist in your jaw? It is hardly the point that he could have swung back. That would have gotten him stomped by a mob. He isn't stupid.
No, I am talking about defending your face.
you know that there is a difference between murdering a baby and aborting a fetus, right?
if you really had a strong case, you wouldn't have to use dishonest language to try to support it. if your case was strong, honest language alone would be enough to make the case.
you propagandist.
oh, red just got taken by a telemarketer is all.
i used to work for a company which was "pro life". we would call people and read them our script and ask for money. the attention getter was when we literally described exactly what a partial birth abortion was, right down to the vacuuming out of the brains. you knew you were gonna get a donation if you could almost feel them cringe through the phone.
i decided to look into the financials of the company, about 85% or more of what we took in was just feathering the nest of the folks who set up the call center, and we'd give about $5k to the election campaign of a single rep, maybe two. so really we were doing more to take money away from pro lifers.
we started calling up supposedly for george w bush after that. i would often call him john w bush or something like that to see if these people even noticed. they almost never did. my buddy would do certain calls in a full british accent.
those were good times.