Pest Control in a Guerrilla Grow?


Active Member
I'm growing in a spot in a little clearing on a hill. I know for a fact that there are a large number of deer in this area, and possibly other pests. I want to install chicken wire to protect my plants but should I do it around each individual plant or the entire patch?
Install deer wire. Deer can jump boy. Do the entire patch also as they will push up into it to get what they want.

Best protection against other pests is a well fed plant - a top flight organic mix.

Good luck.
You could also try using natural barriers such as fallen trees, and briers. Once your plants gets to a certain height you really don't have to worry about rabbits and deer much. For the pests of the extra legged kind... I find neem oil and diatomaceous earth works wonders. Good luck.
I'm growing in a spot in a little clearing on a hill. I know for a fact that there are a large number of deer in this area, and possibly other pests. I want to install chicken wire to protect my plants but should I do it around each individual plant or the entire patch?

Each plant is probably easier and you can use a combination of a natural barrier or sticks to enclose the top of chicken wire, deer fencing could be a bit noticable @ >6ft or so tall. I used to burn my wire, it would get the nice shiny look off of it and stay that way, blends in perfect.

The best defense for pests is a healthy specimen. Good water and minerals will absolutely help defenses.

I have a ton of deer around me and stopped using wire about 3 seasons ago. I plant multiple plots each year and have had nary a deer bite. Really it is partially luck, but I started scouting my sites where only wet spots or actual surface water collects. I often plant in full view of deer turds and prints and todays scouting probably uncovered bear scat?....don't know what else it could be....bigger and blacker than a human turd.....

Deer will eat cannabis if they are hungry, most of the time they don't search it out if their regular food source is plentiful and readily available. This can be a trick of wet spots and such, more chances for riparian and mixed use vegetation that deer often love to eat and water even groundwater will be areas of minerals you can use to plant in, which is also rich because of a diversity of plant life attracted to wet spots :) [they die and make soil][grass means lacking nitrogen usually]

Brambles are okay, deer will get out them eventually if their is drought. So that is your enemy, the less water it consumes, more chances for it to be less healthy and have a potential of pest invaders. Then on top, maybe the food source of deer and other critters is in low supply in the last 2 months of flowering, now you might have a crisis.

Watering and identifying plants for mineral sources already in the ground, learn these and you have the game beat. Watering spots can be found all year even in drought in some cases.
Took me a few spots to figure out, but I plant and leave, no water, no ferts. I get good 4-5 foot tall plants in some cases, not all, but it is a learning process..
What's the ingredients that see off Deer, Moose and Elk...?

A 3% solution of Rosemary oil, mint oil, and putrescent whole egg solids(assuming this is simply spoiled raw egg)suspended in mostly water.

If you make it from the local health food store, there is one note:

Do NOT spray this on any plants, it will kill them within the hour(found out the hard way). This should be used in a perimeter fashion only.
You can get concentrated Coyote Piss as well and this is will scare off deer.

I really would get deer fencing in lieu of chicken wire based on my experiences, but I also like Abiqua's thoughts as well.
=Abiqua;10356428 I used to burn my wire, it would get the nice shiny look off of it and stay that way, blends in perfect.
That's a good idea holy crap. It's so simple that........fucking genius.
I've seen people post about painting it. Which I think would personally be a pain in the ass. I tip my hat to you good sir.
Dont be an idiot and pay for wolf piss. YOU are the top of the food chain.
Take some 500ml water bottles and shove some paper towel in them, poke a dozen small holes in the bottle to let the smell out. Drink a few coffees on the way to your patch and when u get there fill the water bottles with YOUR piss and leave them around your perimeter. I also use dog poop around the perimeter as well. Human poop works best because it stinks the worst.. but shitting outdoors near your patch ?... well only real men do that. In all my years of outdoor growing this has worked better then anything else i have tried.
Also put a LOOSE ring of copper wire around the base of your plant, slugs wont cross copper wire.
Rabbits can be stopped with chicken wire until the plant is big enough rabbits dont bother also rabbits hate mothballs and deer arent big on them either but humans can pick the smell out further away then you would think. All that said, If your pot plant is the only green plant around during a drought..its gonna get eaten.
Peace, Lilman
lmao you guys. deer dont really bother them after june 10.. thats when most other plants have begun growing and they tast better.... but if you need to spray anything blend up some hot pepper just like 3 difernt kinds. wear gloves and dont stand down wind. i mix mine with neem. i never have anything bother them...last a week or more
lmao you guys. deer dont really bother them after june 10.. thats when most other plants have begun growing and they tast better.... but if you need to spray anything blend up some hot pepper just like 3 difernt kinds. wear gloves and dont stand down wind. i mix mine with neem. i never have anything bother them...last a week or more

Ive tried this in many variations IT DOES NOT WORK in areas that have large deer populations. also it has to be re-done after it rains.Not to mention any critter that gets your concoction in its eyes will die from scratching its own eyes out because of the burning, I know ive found them dead from this. Also around here plants get eaten all year round by deer..especially when it dries out in august and september our deer are looking for anything lush.

Peace, G
I use multiple things. I use chicken wire to protect them to a certain height. I also use fishing line around the perimeter around waist high. It supposed keeps them out of your site.. I also use natural barriers like briars and thorny tree limbs leaned up against the fishing line. I try to make it look as natural as possible but where I plant, the only things that will spot my site are animals. I also use my own piss around the perimeter. Hope this helped a little.
I use multiple things. I use chicken wire to protect them to a certain height. I also use fishing line around the perimeter around waist high. It supposed keeps them out of your site.. I also use natural barriers like briars and thorny tree limbs leaned up against the fishing line. I try to make it look as natural as possible but where I plant, the only things that will spot my site are animals. I also use my own piss around the perimeter. Hope this helped a little.

X 2 on the fishing hip high and one knee doesnt stop them it spooks them because they cant see it..Good stuff
