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How did I miss all of this? I've skimmed through and I am torn, TORN LIKE AN OLD SWEATER. People were hating and throwing accusations, deleted posts, dust, spit, blood, piss, and hair flying around. Then she comes here and defends herself a little.

The facts as I see them:

She IS a woman
She made a video to prove it (who does that? REALLY?)
She posted hot pics
She said some cool stuff
Some argue she said some not so cool stuff
Says she has a green one piece (one pieces-one of my fetishes)
Likes Dr. Pepper (In 8th grade I was voted most likely to do a Dr. Pepper commercial [wouldn't you like to be a pepper too?])
This is RIU.

Conclusion: Smaher is ok. I do remember sending her a pm about data on pics, now that I think about it. Smaher, just do your thing and stop arguing with everyone. This isn't the middle east where you have to defend your honor to the death. Be offensive, less defensive; and like Gloria Gaynor, you will survive
How did I miss all of this? I've skimmed through and I am torn, TORN LIKE AN OLD SWEATER. People were hating and throwing accusations, deleted posts, dust, spit, blood, piss, and hair flying around. Then she comes here and defends herself a little.

The facts as I see them:

She IS a woman
She made a video to prove it (who does that? REALLY?)
She posted hot pics
She said some cool stuff
Some argue she said some not so cool stuff
Says she has a green one piece (one pieces-one of my fetishes)
Likes Dr. Pepper (In 8th grade I was voted most likely to do a Dr. Pepper commercial [wouldn't you like to be a pepper too?])
This is RIU.

Conclusion: Smaher is ok. I do remember sending her a pm about data on pics, now that I think about it. Smaher, just do your thing and stop arguing with everyone. This isn't the middle east where you have to defend your honor to the death. Be offensive, less defensive; and like Gloria Gaynor, you will survive

I think clayton hit all the points. I must spread it before I hit you buddy.

hey there stoner chick smasher. No blood no foul. I didn't start this to bash you....that's the truth. I simply wanted to draw you out of newbie central and back over here where we could discuss these things without scaring all the newbs off :)

hope you understand. anywhoo. whadya say we let bygones be bygones...(speaking of where has bygon been peeps?)

Kiss and make up? seriously? not looking to start some kind of endless argument over who is right or wrong here.

this joints for you
read what?

and all you ever said was that she was conceited...which is pretty accurate imo.

so now that you know she is still here you retract your statement? cumon gonzo....the truth is the truth. don't be one of those ppl. who talks behind backs.

If I have flaws(and I know I do) I'd rather someone present them to me head on.

Only seen this today Joe.

Read as in I have read some of her replies and me saying she seemed a tad conceited obv hit a nerve.

The way I look at it is if me apologising is gonna make her feel a little better then why the fuck not. She's a real human with real feelings. Wasn't my intention to hurt or offend anyone.

But anyway. Why don't we all chill out, see if we can get on for a day whithout anymore damm apology threads eh.
Aside from one post stating that I do believe I'm attract nothing screams attention seeking or conceited. I don't post pictures saying omg I'm so obese like a lot of pencil thin girls nor do I post pictures followed by "I'm so ugly why can't I be a disney princess" or whatever people do no I just made one statement. As for the fox and vixen remark that was brought up I'll try to elaborate. Aside from shoots 90% of the time throughout the year is spent fully clothed jeans t shirt hoodie sneakers. I still follow the old school rule where if I do wear shorts or skirts they fall under the tip of my middle finger. And swimwear I typically wear coverups. Now as for a vixen that's someone I view who has to constantly wear itty bitty clothing that screams look at me because omg it'd be impossible not to.
Aside from one post stating that I do believe I'm attract nothing screams attention seeking or conceited. I don't post pictures saying omg I'm so obese like a lot of pencil thin girls nor do I post pictures followed by "I'm so ugly why can't I be a disney princess" or whatever people do no I just made one statement. As for the fox and vixen remark that was brought up I'll try to elaborate. Aside from shoots 90% of the time throughout the year is spent fully clothed jeans t shirt hoodie sneakers. I still follow the old school rule where if I do wear shorts or skirts they fall under the tip of my middle finger. And swimwear I typically wear coverups. Now as for a vixen that's someone I view who has to constantly wear itty bitty clothing that screams look at me because omg it'd be impossible not to.

I agree smaher. Wanna cyber?
You get too defensive. Makes for an easy target. Relax a bit smaher and you'll do just fine here.
What's the point of "attacking" someone if you don't expect them to be defensive

We do expect a reaction, that's the point of trolling.

You have a spirited, take on the world attitude. Nothing wrong with that but you can't defend yourself against everyone.

Sometimes it's best to ignore and move on.
I'm just having a coffee if you wanna get anything off your chest or shout at me for a bit, feel free.

I learnt some very hard lessons about acceptance while growing up. People will judge the fuck out of you without any great knowledge or insight into who you are as a person. That is just what humans do.

I think your smarter than that and shouldnt get hung up on mine or Joe's opinion of you.
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