HN not updating?

The restaurants are what I miss most about Philly. That and the water ice stands. I was addicted to those fuckin Gelatis!
The restaurants are what I miss most about Philly. That and the water ice stands. I was addicted to those fuckin Gelatis!

i have to say, that's what i really love about living around here stow, the food is just so damned good.. i'm dating a girl, and she lives in maine, she grew up down here, but moved up after college, and she's always bitching about the food up there.. the few places that do sell pizza, all start with frozen crusts, and just suck balls.. and forget about finding a good roll up there to have things like hoagies and steak sammies..
i can't imagine living in say the south west.. mexican food is ok once in awhile, but i'd rather have our local fare every day then mexican, so i'm good, lol..
HOLY SHIT this keeps getting weirder!!! That philly's finest was on TSD trying to scam fake bodhi seeds saying his were all smashed when he got them. He's a liar and truly a fucking IDIOT. I honestly think he has NO affiliation with HN and is just a bizarre head case. He never posted ONE pic of any seed, plant etc. Ended up getting laughed off the forum. Weird weird shit.
Dudes - i ordered SSDD on wednesday of this week, beans came today. i don't know what everyone is talking about but i can tell you i just ordered wednesday and they arrived today.
Dudes - i ordered SSDD on wednesday of this week, beans came today. i don't know what everyone is talking about but i can tell you i just ordered wednesday and they arrived today.

says the guy with one post... no offense, but only having one post here, you have to realize you don't have much credibility around here.. just saying..
says the guy with one post... no offense, but only having one post here, you have to realize you don't have much credibility around here.. just saying..

With all due respect, i'm doing you all a favor - i have my seeds, i don't post on this site bc its not my thing - I'm going out of my way to tell you guys i just got seeds, take it with a grain of salt, i could honestly give 2 sh*ts about this site or anyone on it lmao this site is the last place i'm looking for credibility..
Dudes - i ordered SSDD on wednesday of this week, beans came today. i don't know what everyone is talking about but i can tell you i just ordered wednesday and they arrived today.
I want to believe you but you gotta see how much bs it screams when your 1st post is defending a company with a very shady rep. Would you mind posting pics of your order confirmation and the beans? Obv block out any personal info or anything that could jeopardize stealth. Thanks
They are operating again..I have made two successful orders and both arrived this week total time for bodhi strange love,prayer tower and solo stash was 4 days to my mail box...and no they aren't putting oil and stupid shit like that in with the orders anymore...and there isn't any stealth so nothing to's a usps box like all the other thousands and thousands of usps boxes that get shipped everyday...chill out guys,make an order and smoke one...FG
They are operating again..I have made two successful orders and both arrived this week total time for bodhi strange love,prayer tower and solo stash was 4 days to my mail box...and no they aren't putting oil and stupid shit like that in with the orders anymore...and there isn't any stealth so nothing to's a usps box like all the other thousands and thousands of usps boxes that get shipped everyday...chill out guys,make an order and smoke one...FG

Ok that puts my mind at ease! ..........(not!)
The first domestic seed site that opens up and does business properly will make a killing. The problem is, marijuana is still a schedule 1 drug, so it's a risky proposition. Risky propositions often attract shady characters, so I guess we shouldn't be surprised about this.
Again...pic proof would be great. Pm me if you want. Shit maybe ill make a small order just to test, anyone think that is a bad idea?
Again...pic proof would be great. Pm me if you want. Shit maybe ill make a small order just to test, anyone think that is a bad idea?

I personally will never use them, hope you all have good luck though.

i agree kind.. what's that old saying, screw me once, shame on you, screw me twice, shame on me? or something like that, lol.. anyone who's willing to order from a place that has knowingly ripped off people tends to get what they deserve imvho..

and i wasn't trying to insult that dude with the one post defending hn, was just simply pointing out the fact that a member with one post, which happens to be defending a questionable place doesn't hold much weight, not here, not any where.