More Than 500 Economists Sign Letter Against Minimum Wage Hike

".....sift people to find the humans.”

i doubt sifting is the appropriate metaphor.

when you sift, most of the flour comes through, so you can reject the chunks and nibs

i think of it more as panning for gold.

you gotta shift a lot of rock to find a a few nuggets
hate to break it to ya, but the line evolutionary racism that you espouse has been long debunked. shitcanned a long time ago.

racism is not innate, it is learned.

and your railing against white guilt reeks of white pride.

What a telling response. "reeks of white pride."

Gay people should be proud.
Black people should be proud.
Latainos should be proud.
Native Americans should be proud.

But white people? Fuck no. Why on earth would a white person ever be proud of his people, what have they done to be proud of?
I didn't say it. It completes your quote. "We of the Bene Gesserit, sift people....."

i grok this bro, i just dont think Gaius Helen Mohiam is much of a baker, so she inverted the concept of Sifting.

the goal is not to find the good in flour, but to eliminate the bad.

among people, the dross far outweighs the gold
What a telling response. "reeks of white pride."

Gay people should be proud.
Black people should be proud.
Latainos should be proud.
Native Americans should be proud.

But white people? Fuck no. Why on earth would a white person ever be proud of his people, what have they done to be proud of?

bucky's "Because I Said So" pronouncement of the imaginary "debunking" of firmly established sociological and evolutionary FACT is more telling.

his assumption that humans are incapable if telling the difference between other people who may be "like me", "somewhat different" or "very different" unless they are deliberately schooled in his "That's Racist!" ideology is pathetic.

racial distinctions have been noted throughout history, among "Evil White Societies of Intolerance" and "Noble Egalitarian Peoples" who happen to be brown.

noting the difference is EVIL if the observer is "white" (and presumably racist) and simply unavoidable if the observer is brown (due to white oppression, of course)

taking action against the outsider is EVIL if the actor is "white" (because "Thats Racist!!") but is noble and just if the actor is brown (because... white oppression, discrimination, lunch counters, social harm, Socio-Economic Status, institutional racism, civil rights, "That's Racist!", etc etc etc, see any Buckpost for more details)

it's really quite tiresome, but when somepony has only one trick, a pony's gotta do what a pony's gotta do.

such a fundamental failure of intellect is expected from a Party School Dropout.

the "resentment" was his initial, natural, instinctive reaction to discovering his sister has mating with a member of a radically different tribe.

the GUILT is the unnatural, liberal-induced self-destructive emotion he experienced AFTER realizing his initial adverse reaction to his sister mating with a member of a foreign tribe.

but then thats probably pretty complex for a simple creature such as yourself.

if you actually wanted more information, you would google "Desmond Morris" and "The Human Animal".

but you wont bother to do that.

i've already mentioned how your theory of evolutionary racism has been thoroughly debunked as racism is learned, not innate.

so i'll go ahead and let budley respond to your white guilt accusation since he knows the inner contents of his mind better than i do:

White guilt, lol!

and there ya go.
What a telling response. "reeks of white pride."

Gay people should be proud.
Black people should be proud.
Latainos should be proud.
Native Americans should be proud.

But white people? Fuck no. Why on earth would a white person ever be proud of his people, what have they done to be proud of?

what kind of persecution have whites in america endured that is on par with what gays, native americans, blacks, or latinos have faced?

derp dee der.

you guys are making this way too easy.
bucky's "Because I Said So" pronouncement of the imaginary "debunking" of firmly established sociological and evolutionary FACT is more telling.

then show me your evidence that racism is innate rather than learned.

protip: maybe cite rushton or jared taylor for my amusement while you're at it.
what kind of persecution have whites in america endured that is on par with what gays, native americans, blacks, or latinos have faced?

derp dee der.

you guys are making this way too easy.

Time! Umpire! Timeout! Mike, the coach is walking to the mound (mumblemumble..early...season vmpj..mumble...great sdormv.jobmumble..needto...mumbleJSTHOOLD..fastball..mumble)

Well, Mike, I said the....OK mound's clear.. Umpire calls, Play Ball..

Mike, the coach seems very pleased with this veteran pitcher, so far, this season. Still it is a bit early. I'm sure his coach was talking to him about his arm.

I know, Robert, I know.
typing the words "desmond morris" does nothing to prove that racism is innate. you'll need to do a little better.

over and over and over, studies show racism is a learned, rather than innate behavior.
Considering I had been exposed to his tribe in the past and am quite proud of my Irish and Italian ancestry I would have to disagree that I am suffering from white guilt.
what kind of persecution have whites in america endured that is on par with what gays, native americans, blacks, or latinos have faced?

derp dee der.

you guys are making this way too easy.

Pretty hard to show in America, a nation built and husbanded by whites.

But globally, well, there are plenty of examples, before white people became to powerful to effectively fuck with.

Hannibal and Rome.

Persia and Greece.

The Muslim conquest of Iberia.
I think racism today is learned primarily from the
brainwashed (white guilt ) professors infesting the universities.

I think the major purveyors of
it our liberal universities and in part the us government
by allowing racist affirmative action programs.
Pretty hard to show in America, a nation built and husbanded by whites.

But globally, well, there are plenty of examples, before white people became to powerful to effectively fuck with.

Hannibal and Rome.

Persia and Greece.

The Muslim conquest of Iberia.

It was as much build and husbanded on the back of slaves. Many of the founders had slaves. The North hated the blacks and were glad to sell them south based on the racist notion, blacks can't function up north. It is the same bullshit, England pulled. The fact is, slaves are more expensive if you have to house them in winter. So, slave labor is not cheap in the northern climes.

The North State followed England in shame. If we can't have slaves, no one can. Very simple. And the most racist place in America by far, is the Northeast, not the South. We had Decrees to help us shake it. Not so the North.

South Boston is a racist, sick place, today, It was one of the first slave ports. Slaves came, sold from England to get rid of them.
I think racism today is learned primarily from the
brainwashed (white guilt ) professors infesting the universities.

I think the major purveyors of
it our liberal universities and in part the us government
by allowing racist affirmative action programs.

you clearly don't understand how affirmative action works.

but feel free to open your three toothed mouth to remove all doubt.