Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

so true..

Any man who allows his or any woman to fire a weapon he knows she can not handle just to watch her get hurt...SCUM OF THE EARTH! And when she learns how to use it, she will hunt you down and I hope you become fertilizer in the earth.
Any man who allows his or any woman to fire a weapon he knows she can not handle just to watch her get hurt...SCUM OF THE EARTH! And when she learns how to use it, she will hunt you down and I hope you become fertilizer in the earth.
Thank you. My thought exactly. It's like these fools just want to hurt someone.
well actualy she knows how to fire a gun my girl we hit the shooting rang all the time thier are male and females in pics so fuck you!!! its just something i came across and winter women i didnt think of you to come on like that men and females are on the pics christain people trip me out to.. lolz what ever.. its a random pic and not all girls are wimps lolz it just a video jesus christ.. scum of the earth lolz me??? no not at all.. we do tied and we do go and hunt for real homeless people and feed them im not a scumb bag you better recognize! RELIZE! AND ANALIZE your self before you rec yourself!! and ya someone should prep them before they fire.. but funny non the less on both male and females... lolz i just read it again.. woops sorry ya i read your post wrong lolz im sorry hehehehe..
dam mabe i should take the time and read it twice lolz WOOOOPZI[video=youtube_share;MGwGKLNQkAE]http://youtu.be/MGwGKLNQkAE[/video]
thump, I was not going off at you directly. I figured you just posted a video you found. I was bitching about the men who made the videos knowing something bad was going to happen to the woman.
To most, yes all is funny. To responsible gun owners, that is not acceptable, makes us gun owners look bad, and endangers another.

well actualy she knows how to fire a gun my girl we hit the shooting rang all the time thier are male and females in pics so fuck you!!! its just something i came across and winter women i didnt think of you to come on like that men and females are on the pics christain people trip me out to.. lolz what ever.. its a random pic and not all girls are wimps lolz it just a video jesus christ.. scum of the earth lolz me??? no not at all.. we do tied and we do go and hunt for real homeless people and feed them im not a scumb bag you better recognize! RELIZE! AND ANALIZE your self before you rec yourself!! and ya someone should prep them before they fire.. but funny non the less on both male and females... lolz i just read it again.. woops sorry ya i read your post wrong lolz im sorry hehehehe..
ya i know i read it wrong im kinda eliterate a bit but i can get around the forum pritty good i did miss read it and from inside my heart i realy apoligize.. ya i guess your right about guys not prepairing their life partner thats not cool..