Nah man, Not a Helicopter parent, I don't live with My Partner and Children(don't ask) But My Flat is only like 4 houses away from Her House so I'm never Far from My Ladies + with livin in the UK didn't want any Plants where My Partner or Kids live...
I don't really have a Fav with 2pac, My Brother and My eldest Son was well into his stuff at the time...I was more varied, Stoner, Prog Rock n Hippy Shit @ that point...just an age difference thing...
Though I did Digg B.I.G. & DMX quite a bit at one point...esp DMX was kinda the "Mood" I was in(for about 12months) used to start everyday with X gonna give it to a few of his other Tracks
just found the Album cover!
This was My wake up Album for a fair while(was the end of a long term relationship, but with every door that closes another opens)
Played @ Volume(Had a decent Hi-Fi then) n My Neighbour hated me, though he was an annoying prick for was kinda PayBack....