InstantCoffee hasn't authenticated her picture but for some reason I'm inclined to believe it to be genuine. Seems too random to be that of a pic collector and it's not the usual fake bimbo pic.
InstantCoffee hasn't authenticated her picture but for some reason I'm inclined to believe it to be genuine. Seems too random to be that of a pic collector and it's not the usual fake bimbo pic.
Is this the same person that just had their thread locked by GWN? Seems kinda loopy if it is. :-?
Thanks guys mom and I are very close:)

its not my garden, I would love that much space though! It's a facility where I live that has a bunch of different domes that replicate dessert, tropical ect and they have the coolest plants they grow in there. The tropical dome is like 150 ft tall and has all sorts of jungle plants growing in it parrots all sorts of shit...pretty cool place to visit, tons of energy in those rooms:)
Thanks guys mom and I are very close:)

its not my garden, I would love that much space though! It's a facility where I live that has a bunch of different domes that replicate dessert, tropical ect and they have the coolest plants they grow in there. The tropical dome is like 150 ft tall and has all sorts of jungle plants growing in it parrots all sorts of shit...pretty cool place to visit, tons of energy in those rooms:)

I'm only a couple of hours from it but i've still to ever get around to visiting the eden project. and i've no good excuse as to why not.
Def worth checking out, it's amazing to see really.

You're lucky to live down that way :) I love the coast. Pretty bummed atm, had to turn down a pair of jobs, one at Porlock and the other a few miles north of Lyme Regis. Both locations would have been awesome, but alas it was just not the right time to be taking on a lease. Ah well, still have a cottage on exmore to fall back on.
I enjoy anything that is around nature, a cottage sounds awesome right about now:) we used to have one towards traverse city but that was a long time ago.