The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

How well do you think Gilfman's grow season will turn out?

  • Awesome! BIG yields with grade-A buds!

    Votes: 42 16.0%
  • Good season .. Great for a begginner

    Votes: 102 38.9%
  • Ehh.. Average

    Votes: 54 20.6%

    Votes: 21 8.0%
  • Gets busted and has no harvest time to enjoy.. Poor Gilfman... :(

    Votes: 43 16.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain man, fuck them deer! Last season i had deer beat a path to my patch and mowed everything down!! Cannabis is a resilient plant tho.... most of that patch revegged and still flowered.

So this yea i took chicken wire and weaved it into the vines and trees surrounding my patch letting it all grow together through out spring. Worked perfectly. No deer what so ever.

Its also a good idea to catch/buy some rats, kill them and place them in various spots around your patch to rot.....i know it sounds kinda gross but trust me. The awful smell attracts carnivorous animals like coyotes, thus the deer avoids the smell to avoid any confrontation with a coyote. its alot better then shitting and pissing all over your patch.

Also heard eggs mixed with water in a spray bottle works but never tried it. The dead rats work the best.....

Best of luck to ya


Well-Known Member
Gilfman, was the piss your using human piss? Not any piss will work. Wild animals usually hate human smells


Well-Known Member
Shot Gun Repels All Backyard Products this was the stuff i bought ... i'll get some pics today

it was my piss

skunk i'll make sure to look

glad to have you subscribed

huffy i hope this stuff works .. when i was spraying it on i about barfed 3 times .. it smells so bad

thanks to all for the concern


Well-Known Member
ok so i noticed most of my plants are doing well .. but some discoloring of the leaves has me a little concerned .. anyone know what it could be? but i think they like the new amount of sunlight they are receiving .... if it's overwatering it's not my fault .. also i didnt check on the 3 in the woods .. i'll do that tomorrow and spray them with some repel all and insecticide .. i dont think my FIM job worked .. but the deer did top one of my plants .. here are the pics enjoy .. and help with the leaf coloring issue! thanks




Well-Known Member
Looking Good GILF.

the discolring could be b/c the plants didnt recive that much sunlight and alot of water from the rain.

but who knows?


Active Member
damn, very nice man! yo you think you could help me out and tell me what I should do about this?


Well-Known Member
Looking Good GILF.

the discolring could be b/c the plants didnt recive that much sunlight and alot of water from the rain.

but who knows?
new spot gets alot more sunlight ... so i hope it isnt that .. i think it's nitro deficiency or overwatering (which isnt fair) .. but i'll go look at the forest patch tomorrow and take pics of em ..


Well-Known Member
Gilfman u fucker!!!, FIM FIM FIM AWAY!!!!!!, You only have 1 top, You gotta change that bro, cut them tops right the fuck off!! Youu needa maximize ur buddage bro


Well-Known Member
and thebest, Looks like a pest problem to me, Just leave it alone, even damaged leaves are used for photosynthesis

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
whatsup gilfman my brother
i am home from amsterdam and i got some hollands hope seeds that are about to be germinated
looks like your plants are doing well, i think i am going to the site tomorrow to check on my babies...ill update sometime soon


Well-Known Member
whatsup gilfman my brother
i am home from amsterdam and i got some hollands hope seeds that are about to be germinated
looks like your plants are doing well, i think i am going to the site tomorrow to check on my babies...ill update sometime soon
ok sounds good man .. i think i could get around to an update today .. maybe


Well-Known Member

just thought i'd update this today if anyone was wondering .. i still haven't got back to the woods plot yet .. i will try to do so sometime this week .. but here are the pics of my two new spots ... one ALOT better than the other .. take a look

first 2 is of the little garden .. not so hot huh? i think i have native soil issues ... that one plant is gonna die isnt it?

3rd is my bigger plot .. looks close together but i'm sure they'll be fine ..

rest are of my plants in big plot and the bud nipping i did .. pinched off the new growth .. hope that'll work


Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
looking good. have you been giving them any nutes? it looks like the first one has bug damage and the second...? who knows man
did you try supercropping it? why is it all small?
i like the last pic, it looks like its your biggest. keep it up man!


Well-Known Member
looking good. have you been giving them any nutes? it looks like the first one has bug damage and the second...? who knows man
did you try supercropping it? why is it all small?
i like the last pic, it looks like its your biggest. keep it up man!
second one just had a rough life ... little sunlight at old spot and a rough transplant .. it stem broke lol ... but i havent given any nutes due to it raining every other day .. but i will this week