Public apology.


Well-Known Member
I would like to publicly apologize for my recent threads on this site. I apologize to anyone I offended, and if you found my threads funny, okay. The reason I troll sometimes is because I'm supposed to be on medication to balance out my mind(bipolar 1). Instead of taking my meds I just smoke weed, this works, but I really need to get rid of my energy daily by using my treadmill or else I get frustrated and post really weird threads. I do this with great humility, I am sorry. I don't think I'm really a bad lady, I just need to control myself more, more self control. People like me that troll do so because we are sad people, and it makes us feel better TEMPORARILY. A little after a good troll session we feel very guilty, and if you don't feel guilty you must be a sociopath. Like for instance, I made a thread on dabs being gay, yet today I bought some wax myself, you see it was all bullshit, just to stir the shit you know. I also made a hate thread about Seth Rogen, yet I've seen and laughed at ALL of his movies except Knocked Up, I'm just jealous because I'm a open mic comedian and I suck balls. I hated on didgeridoos even, yet I've been playing didge for the past 10 years and have a $400 didgeridoo in key of d. I really want to change, I'm not a bad lady. For proof look at my very first threads many years ago, I was just a young chick excited about growing the green eager to learn info from the pros. Now I'm ABIGFATTROLL. Anyone can change, give this girl a chance. thank you all and sorry. Oh and I just made a big pot of coffee for you all, Organic coffee from Mexico, enjoy. Feel free to hate on me, I deserve every last bit of it good night, ima go smoke that wax in my glass one hitter (I hope it works that way) and play some gta 5, ooooh geee that wax proly gonna make me feel like I'm actually in the game, oooh with my turtle beach x12's FUCK YEAH. good night:peace::joint::?


Active Member
not sure how bad your post are but....
at least you are not some delusional racist whom in spite of the fact God, Jesus and 6.9 billion people think differently, still actually believes in the hate you post


Well-Known Member
Yeah guy, you see, it is more of a psychological problem for me, I'm not a bad person, but when I'm manic it is a whole different story. Sometimes I think I'm god, that I should form my own alien cult(even try recruiting), I have joined hari krishna twice lol, I drive to L.A. and try to be a homeless person(end up coming back home to mommy and daddy within 2 days lol), I buy things I can't afford nor need, I do weird sexual things, I say weird things to people in public, and get VERY paranoid. I have been cursed with this disease, it is thee worst disease for me.


Well-Known Member
Your apologizing to a bunch of fellow
I thought some of it was pretty funny.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
dont trip im suprised i didnt get band when i posted a picture of my penis on hard with an earing loop on the tip... thats bad!!!!!
and i offended many people but hey.. i still post anyways hahaha mostly to myself but i still post hahahah... its all good it cant be that bad..