[SIZE=+0]Effect of light on Growth and Development[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]-Light quality and quantity are the most significant environmental factors affecting plant development.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]-Light induces dramatic changes in morphology and biochemical (protein) composition.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]How does light induce such changes? e.g. increase in rubisco, LHC[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]A Simple Model of Signal-induced Responses[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]1. Signal perception by a receptor[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2. Signal transduction[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0] a) Communcate signal to other cell parts[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0] b) Amplify the signal[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0] c) Network and cross-talk[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]3. Primary response[/SIZE]
a) Increase or decrease in gene expression
[SIZE=+0] b) Change from inactive protein ---> active protein
4. Physiological or cellular response.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Plants have 3 types of Photoreceptors[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]1. Phytochrome 660 /730 nm[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2. Blue light receptor 400-500 nm[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]3. UV-B Receptors 260-350 nm[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Phytochrome plays a critical role in every stage of development.[/SIZE]
e.g. seed germination (lettuce)
Different Intensities of light induce different responses
a. Very low fluence (VLF) response :
b. Low fluence (LF) responses
c. High irradiation reactions (HIR)
[SIZE=+1]I. PHYTOCHROME [/SIZE][SIZE=+0]: A red light receptor[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Absorbs in the Red 660 nm, Red induces change[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Absorption in the Far red 730 nm reverses it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Red light causes many changes: e.g.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0] Seed germination[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0] Inhibition of stem elongation[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0] Leaf expansion[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Present in all tissues:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0] Roots, Shoots, Leaves[/SIZE]
Phy is found in the nucleus and cytoplasm, and it is not embedded in the membrane.
[SIZE=+0]Chromophore is attached to a protein of 124 kD.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Phy has two interconvertible states.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Pr ----RED LIGHT ---> Pfr ---> ---> ----> RESPONSE[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0] <---FAR RED -------[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0] <---DARK ----------[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Stable Unstable (Degraded)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Inact. Active[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2. PHYTOCHROME acts as a light-activated switch.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]A unique trait of phytochrome-regulated response is PHOTOREVERSIBILITY.[/SIZE]
Three kinds of phytochrome responses:
VLF, 1-100 nmol/m[SUP]2[/SUP] Not reversible
LF, 1-100 umol/m[SUP]2[/SUP] Reversible
HIR 10 mmol/m[SUP]2[/SUP] Not reversible
Phytochrome can sense light changes during the day
-photon density (quantity)
- Ratio of Pr/Pfr (quality)
[SIZE=+0]Multiple forms of phytochrome[/SIZE]
Phy A: labile form, present in dark grown seedlings
Phy B, C, D, E: stable form found in green seedlings and plant.
[SIZE=+0]3. How is a light signal transduced to give a response?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]a. Physiology and cell biol. approaches : electrical potential, [Ca] changes[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]b. Biochemical approaches: enzyme activity changes[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]c. Molecular methods:[/SIZE] changes in gene expression (mRNA)
[SIZE=+0]d. Genetic approach (v. powerful): find mutants that fail to respond to signal
Identify gene product to deduce its role in signaling[/SIZE][SIZE=+0][/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]Models: mode of Action[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]1. Regulate ion transport[/SIZE]
[SIZE=+0]2. Regulate gene expression[/SIZE]
Early response genes
Late response genes
3. Regulate metabolic pathway
4. Change cytoskeleton
[SIZE=+1]II. Blue Light-induced Responses[/SIZE]
1. Responses are triggered by light of 450 nm.
e.g. phototropism, inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, induction of stomatal opening
2. Several blue-light receptors have been identified. Receptors affect different responses.
a. Cryptochrome or Cry1 inhibit stem elongation
b. Cry2 cotyledon expansion, clock, flower induction
c. Nph1 at the PM = Phot1 (phototropin1) phototropism
d. Npl 1= Phot2 chloroplast- high light avoidance
e. Flavin
f. Carotenoids
3. How is a Blue light signal received and transduced? Mode of Action:
Many responses are regulated by both Red and blue light.
1. Signal Perception by a Receptor
2. Second messengers transduce and amplify the signal
3. Final Responses
a. Regulate Activity of a Membrane Transporter:
e.g. H+ pump activated, or Anion channel opens
b. Activation/repression of Gene expression through proteins interacting with light-regulated elements Crytochromes found in the retina of mammals have a role in circadian rhythm.