Thought on SR2 at this point???


Active Member
Not sure if this was the appropriate section but anyways....

Just wondering what opinions the RIU community have on the current state of SR2...after the Christmas dramas, the hack and no escrow...Plus, the lack of comms from Defcon etc!

Personally I think it is a whole money pit in which the libertarian views have been long lost with the original DPR. I think Silk Road mods are strictly about making money and don't have the communites best interests at heart.

What are your thoughts as I am really interested in other peoples opinions outside of the Silk Road forum...
i wouldnt go me its the equivalent of going to score at the crack spot that just got raided and had a new team set up in ther within a day..gonna happen again,question is,will you be there when the door gets kicked in?
I wouldn't trust it right now. I would wait at least a year to see how it goes. The other "sr2" called project black flag was apparently the new silkroad but the owner froze and drained all the accounts so he could "not be homeless for at least 7 months". He got a few hundred g's.
I wouldn't trust it right now. I would wait at least a year to see how it goes. The other "sr2" called project black flag was apparently the new silkroad but the owner froze and drained all the accounts so he could "not be homeless for at least 7 months". He got a few hundred g's.

I followed PBF from start to finish...I did not know it was a few hundred grand he ended up with. I thought it was alot less as the market was only up for a very short period of time and had fuck all people using it.
btw,i barely touch my earnings ever,its called saving..guess that did him no good either..itd be cool if somehow his savings were funneled into sr2 to fund a "prevention" squad whos sole job was to prevent the feds from doing it again...
i guess the contract hits were pro-bono since he was such a standup guy...
can you even imagine the magnitude of the original dpr's scheme? his creation was something that involves contemplation on a level that not many human beings have experienced. of-course he wasn't ALL about the money or not ALL about the money; money was an important element to his grand scheme in my opinion. however, as ShazMo has stated, he hardly even touched the money. about contract hits, if true, that may have not been part of his original plans. things of this magnitude have a tendency to produce unexpected and un-controllable variables.

it isn't in any way a surprise to me that a contract hit could have appeared as a need within this operation. and that doesn't necessarily throw out all of the libertarian views dpr proclaimed to be ALL about.
Yup setting up a highly lucrative black marketplace because its the morally right choice...ever think that the libertarian writing by DPR was a marketing ploy? "I'm not doing this for me I am doin it for facilitate your god given right to buy and eat drugs blah blah"

And to answer the original question I feel the same I did when it rolled out...staying as far away as I can

I will say that all the libertarian activism is romantic and quite effective as marketing...if only the crack dealer could convince everyone he is there for the good of the community and to help your political dissent
Yup setting up a highly lucrative black marketplace because its the morally right choice...ever think that the libertarian writing by DPR was a marketing ploy? "I'm not doing this for me I am doin it for facilitate your god given right to buy and eat drugs blah blah"

And to answer the original question I feel the same I did when it rolled out...staying as far away as I can

I will say that all the libertarian activism is romantic and quite effective as marketing...if only the crack dealer could convince everyone he is there for the good of the community and to help your political dissent
the point i'm trying to make is with a scheme of this magnitude his intentions were more than likely a combination of all these types of things (monetary gain, moralistic views, etc.) rather than a simple ploy to earn $$.. of-course marketing was known by him to be a product of his public libertarian postings. that doesn't mean it was SIMPLY a marketing ploy, feel me?

now, with the new markets, one can clearly see the intentions are primarily monetary gain. the new leaders aren't even making an attempt at hiding what they're trying to do. they want paper and they're making it with these markets. mission accomplished even after a 'failure' (markets being 'hacked' etc.)
i guess the contract hits were pro-bono since he was such a standup guy...

Im not saying he was a 'stand up' guy. Im saying he had the Silk Road community at heart. At the end of the day FriendlyChemist was planning on doxxing many of the SilkRoad buyers and vendors and tried to bribe DPR as I am sure you already know.

In a fucked up way that contract was for the community!
Listen, I am not saying that it was ALL for us and money was not a part of motivations. But when comparing SR2 and Defcon to SR1 and the O.G DPR there is a massive difference and it is obvious just from reading his forum threads/posts.

DPR would write back to me almost every time I PM'd him with a concern...Defcon barely even makes a forum presence.

Im not saying DPR was the ultimate libertarian but he did have the community at heart. Yes in the end he may have been like "Nigga gone get paaiiiid" but anytime the community shed some concern, he was there...Anytime something went ass up, he was there...Anytime something threatened SilkRoad, he was there, even if it was with a hitman lol.

Of course money would have been a motivation and played a vital role but if you were there from the start and had a forum presence you would surely understand what I am saying!
Not sure if this was the appropriate section but anyways....

Just wondering what opinions the RIU community have on the current state of SR2...after the Christmas dramas, the hack and no escrow...Plus, the lack of comms from Defcon etc!

Personally I think it is a whole money pit in which the libertarian views have been long lost with the original DPR. I think Silk Road mods are strictly about making money and don't have the communites best interests at heart.

What are your thoughts as I am really interested in other peoples opinions outside of the Silk Road forum...
seems a baited question..if answers or opinions dont coincide with yours personally,you get irritated,argumentative...but thats what ive seen..
i was a longtime member of SR1 and had even spoken with Ross a few different times, i love silk road with all my heart however, im very disapointed in the direction the new adminisration and defcon have taken sr2.0 in...i personally will browse and am a well known member in the forum i will however not buy anythign from there as i simply dont have enough turst, just my .2
If sr2 was a woman I wouldn't fuck her with someone else's dick. If you had good relations with vendors I would suggest direct dealing personally.
Sorry for my ignorance, but can someone explain whats wrong with silk road 2, don't really follow it.
sr2 is a disgrace to the brand name, def-CON is a fucking fake as are the rest of the people who are so called ''running the site'' agora is pretty much the best market at the mo.